1 " BEGIN fort_equs.incl.alm
2 "
3 " Written: June 1976, R. A. Barnes
4 "
5 " Modified:
6 " 22 June 84, MM - Install typeless functions support.
7 " 28 Mar 84, HH - Install HFP support.
8 " 8 November 1982, TO - pl1_operators_ special addition 'VLA_words_per_seg'.
9 " 21 September 1982, TO - pl1_operators_ addition 'fort_storage'.
10 " 1 September 1982, TO - pl1_operators_ additions 'fort_return_mac',
11 " 'fort_cleanup'.
12 " 12 May 1982, HH - Add mpy_overflow_check.
13 " 5 May 1982, TO - Add shorten_stack.
14 " 24 October 1980, CRD - add symbols for new operators needed by
15 " Fortran 77 intrinsics.
16 " 24 September 1980, CRD - change order of base registers in making pr1
17 " part of the register pool.
18 " 4 March 1980, CRD - add equal_lengths for emit_eis macro.
19 " 23 February 1980 RAB - add almost_ones and for_divide
20 " 14 December 1979, CRD - add ext_entry_desc operator offset.
21 " 30 November 1979, RAB - add j_le_s, j_g_s indicator substates for
22 " register optimizer. Also, change xq substate to ia, and
23 " add some comments.
24 " 9 August 1979, CRD - add new operator fort_dmod.
25 " 23 July 1979, CRD - add if_bit for def_simple_cond, etc. macros
26 " 9 July 1979 CRD - add new operator fortran_end.
27 " 4 April 1976 DSL - add new bifs tan, dtan, asin, dasin, acos, dacos.
28 "
29 equ opf,16384 operand factor
30 equ arg1,1*opf
31 equ arg2,2*opf
32 equ arg3,3*opf
33 equ arg4,4*opf
34 equ arg5,5*opf
35 equ arg6,6*opf
36 equ arg7,7*opf
37 "
38 equ opv,0*opf
39 "
40 equ op1,-1*opf
41 equ op2,-2*opf
42 equ op3,-3*opf
43 equ op4,-4*opf
44 equ op5,-5*opf
45 equ op6,-6*opf
46 equ op7,-7*opf
47 "
48 equ inhibit,128 this bit necessary for all macros
49 "
50 equ if_bit,256 used to differentiate if/unless
51 "
52 bool int,400000
53 bool real,200000
54 bool dp,100000
55 bool cmpx,40000
56 bool logical,20000
57 bool char,10000
58 bool typeless,4000
59 bool label,2000
60 "
61 equ intn,1*256
62 equ realn,2*256
63 equ dpn,3*256
64 equ cmpxn,4*256
65 equ logicaln,5*256
66 equ charn,6*256
67 equ typelessn,7*256
68 equ labeln,8*256
69 "
70 equ var,-1
71 "
72 equ empty,0*256
73 equ q,1*256
74 equ a,2*256
75 equ aq,3*256
76 equ eaq,4*256
77 equ deaq,5*256
78 equ ieaq,6*256
79 equ iq,7*256
80 equ ia,8*256
81 equ tq,9*256
82 equ ind,10*256
83 equ tze,11*256
84 equ tnz,12*256
85 equ tmi,13*256
86 equ tpl,14*256
87 equ tmoz,15*256
88 equ tpnz,16*256
89 equ tnc,17*256
90 equ trc,18*256
91 equ j_le_s,19*256
92 equ j_g_s,20*256
93 "
94 bool variable,400000
95 bool constant,200000
96 bool array_ref,100000
97 bool temp,40000
98 bool count,20000
99 bool rel_constant,10000
100 bool bif,4000
101 bool statement_function,2000
102 bool external,1000
103 bool entry,400
104 bool dummy,200
105 bool error,100
106 bool substr_ref,40
107 "
108 bool x0,400000
109 bool x1,200000
110 bool x2,100000
111 bool x3,40000
112 bool x4,20000
113 bool x5,10000
114 bool x6,4000
115 bool x7,2000
116 bool pr4,1000
117 bool pr1,400
118 bool pr2,200
119 bool pr3,100
120 bool pr5,40
121 bool pr7,20
122 bool indices,x0+x1+x2+x3+x4+x5+x6+x7
123 bool bases,pr1+pr4+pr2+pr3+pr5+pr7
124 bool all,indices+bases
125 "
126 equ pr4n,1
127 equ pr1n,2
128 equ pr2n,3
129 equ pr3n,4
130 equ pr5n,5
131 equ pr7n,6
133 equ equal_lengths,1
134 equ protect_indicators,1
135 equ discard,2
136 bool inst_word,040000
137 "
138 equ for_divide,256
139 "
140 " builtin operands
141 "
142 equ zero,0 "integer constant zero
143 equ one,1 "integer constant one
144 equ ps,2 "symbol for Fortran I/O arglist
145 equ auto_template,3 "init template for automatic storage
146 equ auto_overlay,4 "overlay of automatic storage
147 equ null_ptr,5 "constant null ITS pointer
148 equ null,6 "null operand
149 equ two,7 "integer constant two
150 equ entry_info,8 "place to store quick proc info
151 equ star_symbol,9 "<*symbol>|0
152 equ ps_area_ptr,10 "symbol for ps.buffer_p
153 equ desc_overlay,11 "symbol for accessing a descriptor
154 "
155 equ ps_ptr,42
156 equ format_slot,6
157 equ end_label_slot,12
158 equ error_label_slot,10
159 equ margin_slot,28
160 equ record_number_slot,9
161 equ string_slot,16
162 equ string_length_slot,21
163 equ file_name_slot,30
164 equ file_type_slot,32
165 equ namelist_slot,18
166 equ iostat_slot,46
167 equ buffer_size_slot,27
169 equ descriptor_ptr,34
170 equ double_temp,46
172 equ temp_pt,40
173 equ complex,56
175 equ op_base,361 =o733-o162=o551 000
177 equ all_ones,op_base-289 072
178 equ blanks,op_base-73 288
180 equ ext_entry,op_base+188 549
181 equ ext_entry_desc,op_base+189 550
182 equ return_op,op_base+48
183 equ fortran_end,op_base+446
184 equ fort_dmod,op_base+447
185 equ signal_stringrange,op_base+404
186 equ integer_to_real,op_base-52 309
187 equ integer_to_double,op_base-52 309
188 equ real_to_integer,op_base+67 428
189 equ double_to_integer,op_base+67 428
190 equ complex_multiply,op_base+146 507
191 equ complex_divide,op_base+148 509
192 equ r_g_s,op_base-42 319
193 equ r_le_s,op_base-15 346
194 equ int_p_int,op_base+384 745
195 equ real_p_int,op_base+383 744
196 equ real_p_real,op_base+382 743
197 equ dbl_p_int,op_base+381 742
198 equ dbl_p_real,op_base+379 740
199 equ dbl_p_dbl,op_base+380 741
200 equ cmpx_p_cmpx,op_base+421 782
201 equ ftn_read,op_base+317 678
202 equ ftn_write,op_base+318 679
203 equ ftn_scalar_xmit,op_base+320 681
204 equ ftn_array_xmit,op_base+321 682
205 equ ftn_manip,op_base+319 680
206 equ ftn_terminate,op_base+322 683
207 equ cabs_,op_base+413 774
208 equ log_,op_base+353 714
209 equ dlog_,op_base+370 731
210 equ clog_,op_base+416 777
211 equ alog10_,op_base+354 715
212 equ dlog10_,op_base+371 732
213 equ atan_,op_base+350 711
214 equ datan_,op_base+367 728
215 equ atan2_,op_base+373 734
216 equ datan2_,op_base+375 736
217 equ cos_,op_base+342 703
218 equ dcos_,op_base+359 720
219 equ ccos_,op_base+414 775
220 equ exp_,op_base+355 716
221 equ dexp_,op_base+372 733
222 equ cexp_,op_base+415 776
223 equ fort_modfl,op_base+142 503
224 equ dmod_,op_base+420 781
225 equ sign_fx,op_base+77 438
226 equ sign_fl,op_base+78 439
227 equ sin_,op_base+340 701
228 equ dsin_,op_base+357 718
229 equ csin_,op_base+417 778
230 equ sqrt_,op_base+339 700
231 equ dsqrt_,op_base+356 717
232 equ csqrt_,op_base+418 780
233 equ tanh_,op_base+419 781
234 equ tan_,op_base+344 705
235 equ dtan_,op_base+361 722
236 equ asin_,op_base+346 707
237 equ dasin_,op_base+363 724
238 equ acos_,op_base+348 709
239 equ dacos_,op_base+365 726
240 equ trunc_fl,op_base+235 596
241 equ get_math_entry,op_base+422 783
242 equ fortran_pause,op_base+423 784
243 equ fortran_stop,op_base+424 785
244 equ fortran_chain,op_base+425 786
245 equ call_ext_out,op_base+42
246 equ call_ext_out_desc,op_base+41
247 equ call_var,op_base+38
248 equ call_var_desc,op_base+37
249 equ ftn_open_element,op_base+438 799
250 equ ftn_get_area_ptr,op_base+439 800
251 equ set_cs_eis,op_base+302 663
252 equ index_cs_eis,op_base+304 665
253 equ save_stack_quick,op_base+452 813
254 equ restore_stack_quick,op_base+453 814
255 equ shorten_stack,op_base+163 524
256 equ dtanh_,op_base+454 815
257 equ sinh_,op_base+455 816
258 equ dsinh_,op_base+456 817
259 equ cosh_,op_base+457 818
260 equ dcosh_,op_base+458 819
261 equ nearest_whole_number,op_base+459 820
262 equ nearest_integer,op_base+460 821
263 equ ftn_inquire_element,op_base+461 822
264 equ mpy_overflow_check,op_base+462 823
265 equ fort_return_mac,op_base+463 824
266 equ fort_cleanup,op_base+464 825
267 equ fort_storage,op_base+465 826
268 equ enter_BFP_mode,op_base+466 827
269 equ enter_HFP_mode,op_base+467 828
271 bool r_l_a,474
272 bool r_g_a,503
273 bool r_e_as,512
274 bool r_ne_as,515
275 bool r_le_a,520
276 bool r_ge_a,527
277 bool r_l_s,507
278 bool r_ge_s,524
279 equ bound_ck_signal,op_base+76
280 bool almost_one,242
281 equ VLA_words_per_seg,op_base-476
282 "
283 " Symbols for upper 18 bits of some common hfp values whose lower
284 " 18 bits are zeroes i.e. values suitable for 'du' modification.
285 "
286 bool P0.5H,000400 = +0.5h,du
287 bool P1.0H,002040 = +1.0h,du
288 bool P2.0H,002100 = +2.0h,du
289 "
290 " END fort_equs.incl.alm