1 /* Begin include file foreign_terminal.incl.pl1 */
 3 dcl  foreign_terminal_data_ptr ptr;
 4 dcl  FOREIGN_TERMINAL_DATA_VERSION_1 char (8) aligned static options (constant) init ("ftd_1");
 5 dcl  1 foreign_terminal_data aligned based (foreign_terminal_data_ptr),
 6        2 version char (8),                                  /* (Input) version of this structure */
 7        2 area_ptr ptr,                                      /* (Input) area in which to allocate modes */
 8        2 mode_string_info_ptr ptr;                          /* (Output) points to allocate mode_string_info */
 9                                                             /* End of version 1 data */
11 /* End include file foreign_terminal.incl.pl1 */