1 /*  START OF:       flush_structures.incl.pl1     October 1982          *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
 3      dcl     flush_consecp          ptr;
 4      dcl     flushp                 ptr;
 6      dcl     1 flush_consec         aligned based (flush_consecp), /* Structure for flushing consecutive pages */
 7                2 version            fixed bin,              /* Version of this structure */
 8                2 n_segs             fixed bin,              /* Number of segments */
 9                2 seg                (0 refer (flush_consec.n_segs)) aligned, /* One per segment */
10                  3 segno            fixed bin (15),         /* Segment number */
11                  3 first_page       fixed bin,              /* First page (zero-based) */
12                  3 n_pages          fixed bin;              /* Number of pages */
14      dcl     1 flush                aligned based (flushp), /* Structure for flushing arbitrary pages */
15                2 version            fixed bin,              /* Version of this structure */
16                2 n_pages            fixed bin,              /* Number of pages to flush */
17                2 seg_page           (0 refer (flush.n_pages)), /* One per page - for efficiency group by segment */
18                  3 seg_no           fixed bin (17) unaligned, /* Segment number */
19                  3 page_no          fixed bin (17) unaligned; /* Page number (zero-based */
21      dcl     (FLUSH_CONSEC_VERSION_1 init (1),
22              FLUSH_VERSION_1        init (1)) fixed bin internal static options (constant);
24 /*  END OF:         flush_structures.incl.pl1                 *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */