1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE - find_input_sw_info.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* this is the structure to be used with the find_input_switch_ subroutine */
 5 dcl  sw_info_p ptr;                                         /* automatic pointer for the based structure */
 7 dcl 1 sw_info aligned based (sw_info_p),
 8     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* version of this structure */
 9     2 n_iocb_ptrs fixed bin,                                /* number of active switches in iocbp array */
10     2 iocbp (10) ptr,                                       /* array of iocb ptrs we are using */
11     2 wait_list,                                            /* wait list for blocking on read events */
12                                                             /* there is one entry for each active iocbp */
13       3 n_channels fixed bin,                               /* must equal n_iocb_ptrs, must be even word aligned */
14       3 pad fixed bin,                                      /* breakage */
15       3 ev_chan (10) fixed bin (71);                        /* one event channel for each active iocbp */
17 dcl  sw_info_version_1 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
19 /* END INCLUDE FILE - find_input_sw_info.incl.pl1 */