1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... fgbx.incl.pl1 */ 2 /* last modified 5/3/77 by Noel I. Morris */ 3 /* Modified 8/79 by R.J.C. Kissel to add FNP blast message. */ 4 /* Modified 7/82 BIM for recognizable sentinel field */ 5 6 /* NOTE: THIS INCLUDE FILE DESCRIBES THE FLAGBOX WITHIN THE BOS TOEHOLD, WHICH 7 HAS NO VALUE WHATSOEVER. THE REAL MULTICS/BCE TOEHOLD FLAGBOX IS DESCRIBED BY 8 THE FLAGBOX INCLUDE FILE. */ 9 10 /* The contents of this segment are data shared by Multics and BOS. 11 This segment occupies the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th 16-word blocks of the BOS toehold. */ 12 13 dcl flagbox$ ext; 14 dcl fgbxp ptr; 15 16 dcl 1 fgbx based (fgbxp) aligned, 17 2 flags (36) bit (1) unal, /* communications switches */ 18 2 slt_segno bit (18), /* segment # of the SLT */ 19 2 pad1 fixed bin, 20 2 rtb, /* return to BOS info */ 21 (3 ssenb bit (1), /* "1"b if storage system enabled */ 22 3 call_bos bit (1), /* "1"b if BOS called by operator */ 23 3 shut bit (1), /* "1"b if BOS called after shutdown */ 24 3 mess bit (1), /* "1"b if message has been provided */ 25 3 alert bit (1), /* "1"b if audible alarm to be sounded */ 26 3 pad bit (25), 27 3 bos_entry fixed bin (5)) unal, /* type of entry into BOS 28 0 => XED 10002 (BOS entry) 29 1 => XED 10004 (Multics entry) 30 2 => XED 10000 (manual entry) */ 31 2 sentinel char (32) aligned, /* set by BOS (for now) */ 32 2 sst_sdw bit (72), /* set by init_sst */ 33 2 hc_dbr bit (72), /* set by start_cpu, idle DBR */ 34 2 message char (64), /* message for return to BOS */ 35 2 fnp_blast char (128); /* message for FNP use when Multics is down. */ 36 37 declare FLAGBOX_SENTINEL char (32) init ("Flagbox & Toehold Valid") int static options (constant); 38 39 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... fgbx.incl.pl1 */