 2 /* Begin include file ...... fault_reg.incl.pl1
 3           Created 8/12/76 by Noel I. Morris       */
 5 dcl  fregp ptr;
 7 dcl 1 fault_reg based (fregp) aligned,                      /* processor fault register */
 8    (2 ill_op bit (1),                                       /* illegal op code detected */
 9     2 ill_mod bit (1),                                      /* illegal modifier detected */
10     2 ill_bar bit (1),                                      /* Illegal BAR mode program */
11     2 ill_proc bit (1),                                     /* some other IPR detected */
12     2 nem bit (1),                                          /* nonexistent memory address requested */
13     2 oob bit (1),                                          /* bounds violation occurred */
14     2 ill_dig bit (1),                                      /* illegal decimal digit or sign detected */
15     2 proc_paru bit (1),                                    /* parity error in upper 36 bits of data */
16     2 proc_parl bit (1),                                    /* parity error in lower 36 bits of data */
17     2 connect (0:3) bit (1),                                /* connect received from one of first four ports */
18     2 da_err1 bit (1),                                      /* $DA with no prior $INT */
19     2 da_err2 bit (1),                                      /* multiple $DA or $DA out of order */
20     2 pad bit (1),
21     2 ia (0:3) bit (4),                                     /* illegal action for ports 0 thru 3 */
22     2 cpar_dir bit (1),                                     /* cache directory parity error */
23     2 cpar_str bit (1),                                     /* cache store parity error */
24     2 cpar_ia bit (1),                                      /* illegal action received on store with cache */
25     2 cpar_blk bit (1)) unal;                               /* cache parity during cache data block load */
27 /* End of include file ...... fault_reg.incl.pl1 */