1 /*  BEGIN:   dsatm_negotiate_info.incl.pl1                    *  *  *  *  *  */
  4   1) change(84-06-01,Negaret), approve(87-07-23,MCR7742),
  5      audit(87-07-23,GDixon), install(87-08-04,MR12.1-1056):
  6      Created.
  7                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
  9 /*^*************************************************************************^*/
 10 /*                                                                           */
 11 /*   Here are all the information involved in the negotiation phase of a     */
 12 /*   connection.                                                             */
 13 /*   dsatm_neg_info        (Negotiation information)                         */
 14 /*   dsatm_presentation    (Negotiation about the presentation control layer)*/
 15 /*   dsatm_station         (Negotiation about the station)                   */
 16 /*   dsatm_device          (Negotiation about each device of the station)    */
 17 /*   dsatm_network         (Information about the secondary network)         */
 18 /*   dsatm_sw_dev_info     (Switch in the device negotiated information)     */
 19 /*                                                                           */
 20 /*   neg = negotiation, ctl = control, ptcl = protocol                       */
 21 /*   dev = device,  rec = record                                             */
 22 /*                                                                           */
 23 /*   This include uses the following include file:                           */
 24 /*                dsatm_attn_fcn_info.incl.pl1                               */
 25 /*                                                                           */
 26 /*   Written by Roger Negaret in June 1984                                   */
 27 /*^*************************************************************************^*/
 29 /* format: style3,dclind5,idind32,insnl,delnl */
 31 /*****************************************************************************/
 32 /*                                                                           */
 33 /*   describes all the options to be negotiated (input) or already           */
 34 /*   negotiated (output) for a session between the Terminal Manager          */
 35 /*   Correspondent (TMC) and the front-end Terminal Manager (TM).            */
 36 /*   Some parameters may be set with several values; the current value       */
 37 /*   is the first one in the array of values;  The others can be selected    */
 38 /*   during the life of the session by the corresponding switch order;       */
 39 /*   (Now, only the switch_logical_device order is implemented).             */
 40 /*   The newly selected value becomes current and is put in the first        */
 41 /*   position of the array of values, switching its place with the previous  */
 42 /*   current value.                                                          */
 43 /*   The default values, for the TM protocol and for Multics are defined in: */
 44 /*        o dsatm_data_                                                      */
 45 /*        o the TTF for overriding the device negotiation parameters.        */
 46 /*****************************************************************************/
 48 dcl  dsatm_data_$max_logical_devices fixed bin ext;
 49 dcl  dsatm_data_$max_networks        fixed bin ext;
 50 dcl  dsatm_max_logical_devices       fixed bin;
 51 dcl  dsatm_max_networks              fixed bin;
 53 /* dsatm_neg_info: all the information for the negotiation of a TM session */
 55 dcl  dsatmnip                        ptr;
 57 dcl  1 dsatm_neg_info                based (dsatmnip) aligned,
 58        2 version                     char (8),
 59        2 tws_session                 bit (1),
 60        2 max_letter_size             fixed bin (16) uns aligned,
 61        2 presentation                like dsatm_presentation aligned,
 62        2 station                     like dsatm_station aligned,
 63        2 n_networks                  fixed bin,             /* number of networks */
 64        2 device                      (dsatm_max_logical_devices refer (dsatm_neg_info.station.n_devices))
 65                                      like dsatm_device aligned,
 66                                                             /* the actual number of devices is in */
 67                                                             /* station.n_devices.                 */
 68        2 network                     (dsatm_max_networks refer (dsatm_neg_info.n_networks)) like dsatm_network aligned;
 71 /* dsatm_presentation: presentation layer information */
 73 dcl  dsatmprep                       ptr;
 75 dcl  1 dsatm_presentation            based (dsatmprep) aligned,
 76        2 pc_level,                                          /* presentation_control protocol level */
 77          3 ptcl_level                bit (8) unal,
 78          3 pl_rejected               bit (1) unal,
 79        2 dfd,                                               /* data_format_description */
 80          3 char_encoding             (8) fixed bin,
 81          3 char_set                  (14) fixed bin,
 82          3 char_subset               (4) fixed bin,
 83          3 nat_lang                  (4) fixed bin,
 84          3 compression               (4) fixed bin,
 85          3 max_rec_size              fixed bin (16) uns,
 86          3 repetitive_parm_nb,                              /* number of current values      */
 87                                                             /* for each repetitive parameter */
 88            4 ce_nb                   fixed bin,
 89            4 cs_nb                   fixed bin,
 90            4 css_nb                  fixed bin,
 91            4 nl_nb                   fixed bin,
 92            4 ca_nb                   fixed bin,
 93          3 parm_rejected,
 94            4 ce_rejected             bit (1) unal,
 95            4 cs_rejected             bit (1) unal,
 96            4 css_rejected            bit (1) unal,
 97            4 nl_rejected             bit (1) unal,
 98            4 ca_rejected             bit (1) unal,
 99            4 mrs_rejected            bit (1) unal,
100        2 ptcl_id,                                           /* protocol_id */
101          3 ptcl_name                 fixed bin,
102          3 ptcl_level                bit (8) unal,
103          3 tm_version                fixed bin,
104          3 pid_rejected              bit (1) unal,
105        2 init_corr,                                         /* initial correspondent */
106          3 string                    char (32) var;
108 /* dsatm_station: information shared by all the logical devices */
109 /* of the terminal station.                                     */
111 dcl  dsatmstap                       ptr;
113 dcl  1 dsatm_station                 based (dsatmstap) aligned,
114        2 init_accept_confg           fixed bin,
115        2 ctl_ptcl                    (4) fixed bin,
116        2 options,
117          3 sec_net_reconnection      bit (1) unal,
118          3 remote_form_storage       bit (1) unal,
119          3 badge_reader_option       bit (1) unal,
120          3 renegotiation             bit (1) unal,
121          3 reserved                  bit (4) unal,
122        2 n_devices                   fixed bin (16) uns,
123        2 dev_id_for_data_att         fixed bin (16) uns,
124        2 max_sec_net_dis_time        fixed bin (16) uns,
125        2 repetitive_parm_nb,
126          3 cp_nb                     fixed bin,
127        2 parm_rejected,
128          3 cp_rejected               bit (1) unal,
129          3 opt_rejected              bit (1) unal,
130          3 ndev_rejected             bit (1) unal;
132 /* dsatm_device: information specific to a logical device of the station */
134 dcl  dsatmdevp                       ptr;
136 dcl  1 dsatm_device                  based (dsatmdevp) aligned,
137        2 init_accept_confg           fixed bin,
138        2 dpp                         (4) fixed bin,
139        2 sdp_dpp,                                           /* sdp protocol */
140          3 version                   fixed bin,
141          3 sdp_class                 (4) fixed bin,
142        2 real_dpp,                                          /* real protocol */
143          3 version                   fixed bin,
144          3 real_class                (16) fixed bin,
145          3 real_model                char (12) var,
146        2 trans_dpp,                                         /* transparent protocol */
147          3 version                   fixed bin,
148        2 dev_id                      fixed bin (16) uns,
149        2 dev_type                    fixed bin,
150        2 attribute,
151          3 shareability              fixed bin,
152          3 alloc_unit                bit (8),
153        2 line_length                 fixed bin (8) uns,
154        2 page_length                 fixed bin (8) uns,
155        2 line_overflow               fixed bin,
156        2 page_overflow               fixed bin,
157        2 char_encoding               (8) fixed bin,
158        2 char_set                    (14) fixed bin,
159        2 char_subset                 (4) fixed bin,
160        2 nat_lang                    (4) fixed bin,
161        2 compression                 (4) fixed bin,
162        2 char_font                   (6) fixed bin,
163        2 terminal_type               char (12) var,
164        2 ete_ack_level               fixed bin,
165        2 max_rec_size                fixed bin (16) uns,
166        2 attentions                  like attention_fcn aligned,
167        2 stc_available               bit (1),
168        2 repetitive_parm_nb,
169          3 dpp_nb                    fixed bin,
170          3 sc_nb                     fixed bin,
171          3 rc_nb                     fixed bin,
172          3 ce_nb                     fixed bin,
173          3 cs_nb                     fixed bin,
174          3 css_nb                    fixed bin,
175          3 cf_nb                     fixed bin,
176          3 nl_nb                     fixed bin,
177          3 ca_nb                     fixed bin,
178        2 parm_rejected,
179          3 dpp_rejected              bit (1) unal,
180          3 attr_rejected             bit (1) unal,
181          3 ce_rejected               bit (1) unal,
182          3 cs_rejected               bit (1) unal,
183          3 css_rejected              bit (1) unal,
184          3 cf_rejected               bit (1) unal,
185          3 nl_rejected               bit (1) unal,
186          3 ca_rejected               bit (1) unal,
187          3 mrs_rejected              bit (1) unal;
190 /* dsatm_network: addressing information to establish a session */
191 /* through the secondary network.                               */
193 dcl  dsatmnetp                       ptr;
195 dcl  1 dsatm_network                 based (dsatmnetp) aligned,
196        2 sec_link_ptcl               fixed bin,
197        2 na_nb                       fixed bin,
198        2 na_rejected                 bit (1) unal,
199        2 net_addr                    (4),                   /* in the order of the networks */
200          3 net_type                  fixed bin,
201          3 addr_str                  char (32) var,
202        2 add_info                    char (32) var;         /* additional info network specific */
206 dcl  DSATM_NEG_INFO_V1               char (8) int static options (constant) init ("TMNI_V1");
208 /* dsatm_sw_dev_info: give the current or new value of the switchable  */
209 /* parameters for a given logical device.                              */
211 dcl  dsatmsdip                       ptr;
213 dcl  1 dsatm_sw_dev_info             based (dsatmsdip) aligned,
214        2 version                     char (8),
215        2 set,
216          3 dpp                       bit (1) unal,
217          3 ce                        bit (1) unal,
218          3 cs                        bit (1) unal,
219          3 css                       bit (1) unal,
220          3 cf                        bit (1) unal,
221          3 nl                        bit (1) unal,
222          3 ca                        bit (1) unal,
223        2 value,
224          3 dpp                       fixed bin,
225          3 sdp_dpp,
226            4 version                 fixed bin,
227            4 sdp_class               fixed bin,
228          3 real_dpp,
229            4 version                 fixed bin,
230            4 real_class              fixed bin,
231            4 real_model              char (12) var,
232          3 trans_dpp,
233            4 version                 fixed bin,
234          3 dev_id                    fixed bin (16) uns,
235          3 char_encoding             fixed bin,
236          3 char_set                  fixed bin,
237          3 char_subset               fixed bin,
238          3 char_font                 fixed bin,
239          3 nat_lang                  fixed bin,
240          3 compression               fixed bin;
243 dcl  DSATM_SW_DEV_INFO_V1            char (8) int static init ("TMSDI_V1");
246 /* presentation control level */
248 dcl  PC_LEVEL_DSA300                 bit (8) int static options (constant) init ("00000001"b);
250 /* character encoding: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
252 dcl  CE_ISO_7BITS                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
253 dcl  CE_ISO_8BITS                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
254 dcl  CE_EBCDIC                       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
255 dcl  CE_TELETEX                      fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
256 dcl  CE_BINARY_8BITS                 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (5);
258 dcl  CE_NAME                         (0:8) char (12) int static options (constant)
259                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "ISO_7BITS", "ISO_8BITS", "EBCDIC", "TELETEX", "BINARY_8BITS",
260                                      (3) (""));
262 dcl  CE_VALUE                        (0:8) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant)
263                                      init (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, (3) (0));
265 /* character set: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
267 dcl  CS_ISO                          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
268 dcl  CS_ASCII                        fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
269 dcl  CS_UK                           fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
270 dcl  CS_NORWEGIAN_DANISH             fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
271 dcl  CS_SWEDISH_FINISH               fixed bin int static options (constant) init (5);
272 dcl  CS_PORTUGUESE                   fixed bin int static options (constant) init (6);
273 dcl  CS_FRENCH                       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (7);
274 dcl  CS_GREEK                        fixed bin int static options (constant) init (8);
275 dcl  CS_SPANISH                      fixed bin int static options (constant) init (9);
276 dcl  CS_GERMAN                       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (10);
277 dcl  CS_PSEUDO_GRAPHIC               fixed bin int static options (constant) init (11);
279 dcl  CS_NAME                         (0:14) char (16) int static options (constant)
280                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "ISO", "ASCII", "UK", "NORWEGIAN_DANISH", "SWEDISH_FINISH",
281                                      "PORTUGUESE", "FRENCH", "GREEK", "SPANISH", "GERMAN", "PSEUDO_GRAPHIC", (3) (""));
283 dcl  CS_VALUE                        (0:14) bit (8) int static options (constant)
284                                      init ("00000000"b, "01000000"b /* 4/0  */, "01000010"b /* 4/2  */,
285                                      "01000001"b /* 4/1  */, "01000011"b /* 4/3  */, "01001000"b /* 4/8  */,
286                                      "01001100"b /* 4/12 */, "01010010"b /* 5/2  */, "01010101"b /* 5/5  */,
287                                      "01011010"b /* 5/10 */, "01011011"b /* 5/11 */, "00110001"b /* 3/1  */,
288                                      (3) ("00000000"b));
290 /* character subset: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
292 dcl  CSS_UPPER_CASE                  fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
293 dcl  CSS_UPPER_LOWER_CASE            fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
295 dcl  CSS_NAME                        (0:4) char (16) int static options (constant)
296                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "UPPER_CASE", "UPPER_LOWER_CASE", (2) (""));
298 dcl  CSS_VALUE                       (0:4) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 1, 2, (2) (0));
300 /* national language: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
301 /* FFS */
303 dcl  NL_FFS                          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
305 dcl  NL_NAME                         (0:4) char (9) int static options (constant) init ("UNDEFINED", "FFS", (3) (""));
307 dcl  NL_VALUE                        (0:4) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 1, (3) (0));
309 /* compression algorithm: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
311 dcl  CA_NO_COMPRESSION               fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
313 dcl  CA_NAME                         (0:4) char (16) int static options (constant)
314                                      init ("NO_COMPRESSION", "NO_COMPRESSION", (3) (""));
316 dcl  CA_VALUE                        (0:4) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 0, (3) (0));
318 /* protocol id */
320 /* protocol name */
321 dcl  PN_TM                           fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
322 dcl  PN_NAME                         (0:1) char (9) int static options (constant) init ("UNDEFINED", "TM");
323 dcl  PN_VALUE                        (0:1) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 128);
325 /* protocol level */
326 dcl  TM_LEVEL_DSA300                 bit (8) int static options (constant) init ("00000001"b);
328 /* protocol version */
329 dcl  PV_TM_NO_STC                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
330 dcl  PV_TM_FULL_STC                  fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
331 dcl  PV_NAME                         (0:2) char (12) int static options (constant)
332                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "TM_NO_STC", "TM_FULL_STC");
333 dcl  PV_VALUE                        (0:2) fixed bin int static options (constant) init (0, 1, 2);
336 /* initiator/acceptor: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
338 dcl  IA_INITIATOR                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
339 dcl  IA_ACCEPTOR                     fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
341 dcl  IA_NAME                         (0:2) char (12) int static options (constant)
342                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "INITIATOR", "ACCEPTOR");
343 dcl  IA_VALUE                        (0:2) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 1, 2);
346 /* control protocol: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
348 dcl  CP_STANDARD                     fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
349 dcl  CP_NO_CONTROL                   fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
351 dcl  CP_NAME                         (0:4) char (12) int static options (constant)
352                                      init ("NO_CONTROL", "STANDARD", "NO_CONTROL", (2) (""));
354 dcl  CP_VALUE                        (0:4) bit (8) int static options (constant)
355                                      init ("00000000"b, "10000000"b, "00000000"b, (2) ("00000000"b));
357 /* data presentation protocol: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
359 dcl  DPP_SDP                         fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
360 dcl  DPP_REAL                        fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
361 dcl  DPP_TRANSPARENT                 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
363 dcl  DPP_NAME                        (0:4) char (12) int static options (constant)
364                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "SDP", "REAL", "TRANSPARENT", (""));
366 dcl  DPP_VALUE                       (0:4) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 1, 2, 3, 0);
368 /* sdp class: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
370 dcl  SC_MANDATORY                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
372 dcl  SC_NAME                         (0:4) char (12) int static options (constant)
373                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "MANDATORY", (3) (""));
375 dcl  SC_VALUE                        (0:4) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 128, (3) (0));
378 /* real class: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
380 dcl  RC_UNDEFINED                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (0);
381 dcl  RC_VIP77XX                      fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
382 dcl  RC_VIP78XX                      fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
383 dcl  RC_327X                         fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
384 dcl  RC_TTY                          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
385 dcl  RC_BATCH_RCI                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (5);
386 dcl  RC_TMMVU                        fixed bin int static options (constant) init (6);
387 dcl  RC_2780                         fixed bin int static options (constant) init (7);
388 dcl  RC_UNSPECIFIED                  fixed bin int static options (constant) init (8);
389 dcl  RC_TMMRB                        fixed bin int static options (constant) init (9);
390 dcl  RC_2780_3780_RJE                fixed bin int static options (constant) init (10);
392 dcl  RC_NAME                         (0:16) char (16) int static options (constant)
393                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "VIP77XX", "VIP78XX", "327X", "TTY", "BATCH_RCI", "TMMVU", "2780",
394                                      "UNSPECIFIED", "TMMRB", "2780_3780_RJE", (6) (""));
396 dcl  RC_VALUE                        (0:16) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant)
397                                      init (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, (6) (0));
399 /* device types: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
401 dcl  DT_UNDEFINED                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (0);
402 dcl  DT_DISPLAY                      fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
403 dcl  DT_KEYBOARD                     fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
404 dcl  DT_RO_PRINTER                   fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
405 dcl  DT_KEYBOARD_PRINTER             fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
406 dcl  DT_KEYBOARD_DISPLAY             fixed bin int static options (constant) init (5);
407 dcl  DT_CARD_READER                  fixed bin int static options (constant) init (6);
408 dcl  DT_PAPER_TAPE_READER            fixed bin int static options (constant) init (7);
409 dcl  DT_BADGE_READER                 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (8);
410 dcl  DT_RFE                          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (9);
411 dcl  DT_CASSETTE                     fixed bin int static options (constant) init (10);
412 dcl  DT_DISKETTE                     fixed bin int static options (constant) init (11);
413 dcl  DT_CARD_PUNCH                   fixed bin int static options (constant) init (12);
414 dcl  DT_PAPER_TAPE_PUNCH             fixed bin int static options (constant) init (13);
417 dcl  DT_NAME                         (0:16) char (20) int static options (constant)
418                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "DISPLAY", "KEYBOARD", "RO_PRINTER", "KEYBOARD_PRINTER",
419                                      "KEYBOARD_DISPLAY", "CARD_READER", "PAPER_TAPE_READER", "BADGE_READER", "RFE",
420                                      "CASSETTE", "DISKETTE", "CARD_PUNCH", "PAPER_TAPE_PUNCH", (3) (""));
422 dcl  DT_VALUE                        (0:16) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant)
423                                      init (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, (3) (0));
425 /* device resource attributes: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
427 dcl  SH_DEDICATED                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
428 dcl  SH_DEDICATED_OR_SHAREABLE       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
429 dcl  SH_EXCLUSIVELY_SHAREABLE        fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
431 dcl  SH_NAME                         (0:4) char (24) int static options (constant)
432                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "DEDICATED", "DEDICATED_OR_SHAREABLE", "EXCLUSIVELY_SHAREABLE",
433                                      "");
435 dcl  SH_VALUE                        (0:4) bit (2) int static options (constant) init ("00"b, "01"b, "10"b, "11"b, "00"b);
438 dcl  AU_END_OF_RECORD                fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
439 dcl  AU_END_OF_QUARANTINE_UNIT       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
440 dcl  AU_END_OF_INTERACTION_UNIT      fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
441 dcl  AU_END_OF_SESSION               fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
442 dcl  AU_REPORT_UNIT                  fixed bin int static options (constant) init (5);
443 dcl  AU_ACKNOWLEDGMENT_UNIT          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (6);
444 dcl  AU_USER_DEFINED_UNIT            fixed bin int static options (constant) init (7);
445 dcl  AU_RFU                          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (8);
447 dcl  AU_NAME                         (0:8) char (16) int static options (constant)
448                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "RECORD", "QUARANTINE_UNIT", "INTERACTION_UNIT", "SESSION",
449                                      "RFU_REPORT_UNIT", "RFU_ACK_UNIT", "RFU_USER", "RFU");
451 dcl  AU_VALUE                        (0:8) bit (8) int static options (constant)
452                                      init ("00000000"b, "10000000"b, "01000000"b, "00100000"b, "00010000"b, "00001000"b,
453                                      "00000100"b, "00000010"b, "00000001"b);
455 /* line overflow condition: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
457 dcl  LO_TRUNCATION                   fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
458 dcl  LO_FOLDING                      fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
459 dcl  LO_NO_FOLDING                   fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
461 dcl  LO_NAME                         (0:3) char (12) int static options (constant)
462                                      init ("TRUNCATION", "TRUNCATION", "FOLDING", "NO_FOLDING");
464 dcl  LO_VALUE                        (0:3) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 0, 1, 2);
466 /* page overflow condition: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
468 dcl  PO_TRUNCATION                   fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
469 dcl  PO_CLEAR                        fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
470 dcl  PO_SCROLL                       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
471 dcl  PO_NO_PAGING                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
473 dcl  PO_NAME                         (0:4) char (12) int static options (constant)
474                                      init ("TRUNCATION", "TRUNCATION", "CLEAR", "SCROLL", "NO_PAGING");
476 dcl  PO_VALUE                        (0:4) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 0, 1, 2, 3);
478 /* character font: indexes in arrays, names array, values array */
480 dcl  CF_ANY                          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
481 dcl  CF_ITALICS                      fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
482 dcl  CF_ELITE                        fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
483 dcl  CF_PICA                         fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
485 dcl  CF_NAME                         (0:6) char (9) int static options (constant)
486                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "ANY", "ITALICS", "ELITE", "PICA", (2) (""));
488 dcl  CF_VALUE                        (0:6) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, (2) (0));
490 /* end_to_end acknowledgment support: indexes in arrays, names array, */
491 /*                                    values array.                   */
493 dcl  EAL_IO_TM                       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
494 dcl  EAL_DATA_ACK                    fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
495 dcl  EAL_FCN_COMPLETE                fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
496 dcl  EAL_RFU                         fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
498 dcl  EAL_NAME                        (0:4) char (12) int static options (constant)
499                                      init ("IO_TM", "IO_TM", "DATA_ACK", "FCN_COMPLETE", "RFU");
501 dcl  EAL_VALUE                       (0:4) fixed bin (16) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 0, 1, 2, 3);
503 /* Secondary Link Protocol */
505 dcl  SLP_ASYNCHRONOUS                fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
506 dcl  SLP_VIP_MULTIPOINT              fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
507 dcl  SLP_TMMVU_MULTIPOINT            fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
508 dcl  SLP_TMMRB_MULTIPOINT            fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
509 dcl  SLP_BSC_MULTIPOINT              fixed bin int static options (constant) init (5);
510 dcl  SLP_BSC_POINT_TO_POINT          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (6);
511 dcl  SLP_RCI_POINT_TO_POINT          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (7);
512 dcl  SLP_HDLC_MULTIPOINT             fixed bin int static options (constant) init (8);
513 dcl  SLP_HDLC_POINT_TO_POINT         fixed bin int static options (constant) init (9);
515 dcl  SLP_NAME                        (0:12) char (20) int static options (constant)
516                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "ASYNCHRONOUS", "VIP_MULTIPOINT", "TMMVU_MULTIPOINT",
517                                      "TMMRB_MULTIPOINT", "BSC_MULTIPOINT", "BSC_POINT_TO_POINT", "RCI_POINT_TO_POINT",
518                                      "HDLC_MULTIPOINT", "HDLC_POINT_TO_POINT", (3) (""));
520 dcl  SLP_VALUE                       (0:12) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant)
521                                      init (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, (3) (0));
523 /* Type of Network */
525 dcl  NT_SWITCHED                     fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
526 dcl  NT_X21                          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
527 dcl  NT_X25                          fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
529 dcl  NT_NAME                         (0:4) char (9) int static options (constant)
530                                      init ("UNDEFINED", "SWITCHED", "X21", "X25", "");
532 dcl  NT_VALUE                        (0:4) fixed bin (8) uns int static options (constant) init (0, 1, 2, 3, 0);
534 /* miscellaneous */
536 dcl  TM_OFFER                        fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
537 dcl  TM_ACCEPT                       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
538 dcl  TM_REJECT                       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
539 dcl  TM_SWITCH                       fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
541 /*  END OF:  dsatm_negotiate_info.incl.pl1                    *  *  *  *  *  */