1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... dprint_arg.incl.pl1 */
 2 /* Modified 11/13/74 by Noel I. Morris */
 3 /* Modified: 10 April 1981 by G. Palter for version 6 structure -- longer request type names */
 4 /* Modified: 30 April 1982 by R. Kovalcik for version 7 structure -- defer_until_process_terminataion */
 5 /* Modified: November 1983 by C. Marker for version 8 structure -- no_separator */
 8   1) change(87-05-10,Gilcrease), approve(87-05-13,MCR7686),
 9      audit(88-02-01,Farley), install(88-02-02,MR12.2-1019):
10      Add line_nbrs bit for line-numbered printouts, version 9.
11   2) change(88-02-05,Farley), approve(88-02-05,PBF7686), audit(88-02-05,GWMay),
12      install(88-02-05,MR12.2-1022):
13      Corrected alignment of line_nbrs, was aligned s/b unaligned..
14   3) change(88-08-29,Farley), approve(88-09-16,MCR7911),
15      audit(88-09-29,Wallman), install(88-10-28,MR12.2-1199):
16      Created a new 64 character forms_name variable, which supersedes the old
17      char 24 form_name variable, version 10.
18                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
21 dcl  dpap ptr;                                              /* ptr to argument structure */
22 dcl  1 dprint_arg_buf aligned like dprint_arg;              /* Automatic storage for arg. */
24 dcl  1 dprint_arg based (dpap) aligned,                     /* argument structure */
25        2 version fixed bin,                                 /* version number of dcl - current version is 9 */
26        2 copies fixed bin,                                  /* number of copies wanted */
27        2 delete fixed bin,                                  /* 1=delete after print */
28        2 queue fixed bin,                                   /* print queue */
29        2 pt_pch fixed bin,                                  /* 1=print, 2=punch */
30        2 notify fixed bin,                                  /* 1 = notify user when done */
31        2 heading char (64),                                 /* first page heading */
32        2 output_module fixed bin,                           /* 1=print, 2=7punch, 3=mcc, 4=raw, 5=plotter */
33        2 dest char (12),                                    /* version 5 made this a pad - see destination below */
34                                                             /* limit of version 1 structure */
35        2 carriage_control,                                  /* Carriage control flags. */
36          3 nep bit (1) unal,                                /* TRUE if print trhu perf. */
37          3 single bit (1) unal,                             /* TRUE if ignore FF and VT */
38          3 non_edited bit (1) unal,                         /* TRUE if printing in non-edited mode */
39          3 truncate bit (1) unal,                           /* TRUE if truncating lines at line length */
40          3 center_top_label bit (1) unal,                   /* TRUE if top label to be centered */
41          3 center_bottom_label bit (1) unal,                /* TRUE if bottom label to be centered */
42          3 esc bit (1) unal,                                /* version 5 TRUE if text escapes are to be processed */
43          3 no_separator bit (1) unal,                       /* version 8 TRUE if the inner head and tail sheets are to be suppressed. */
44          3 line_nbrs bit (1) unal,                          /* version 9, line numbers */
45          3 padding bit (27) unal,
46        2 pad (30) fixed bin,
47        2 forms char (8),                                    /* version 5 made this a pad - see form_name below */
48        2 lmargin fixed bin,                                 /* left margin */
49        2 line_lth fixed bin,                                /* max line lth */
50                                                             /* limit of version 2 structure */
51        2 class char (8),                                    /* version 6 made this a pad - see request_type below */
52        2 page_lth fixed bin,                                /* Paper length arg */
53                                                             /* limit of version 3 structure */
54        2 top_label char (136),                              /* top-of-page label */
55        2 bottom_label char (136),                           /* bottom-of-page label */
56                                                             /* limit of version 4 structure */
57        2 bit_count fixed bin (35),                          /* segment bit count */
58        2 form_name char (24),                               /* name of special forms needed - moved from forms */
59                                                             /* version 10 made this a pad - see forms_name below */
60        2 destination char (24),                             /* the long destination - moved from dest */
61        2 chan_stop_path char (168),                         /* path of user channel stops - future */
62                                                             /* limit of version 5 structure */
63        2 request_type character (24) unaligned,             /* request type for the request */
64                                                             /* limit of version 6 structure */
65        2 defer_until_process_termination fixed bin,         /* 1 = don't process request until requesting process terminates */
66        2 forms_name char (64) unal;                         /* name of special forms needed - moved from form_name */
67                                                             /* limit of version 10 structure */
69 dcl  dprint_arg_version_1 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
70 dcl  dprint_arg_version_2 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (2);
71 dcl  dprint_arg_version_3 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
72 dcl  dprint_arg_version_4 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
73 dcl  dprint_arg_version_5 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (5);
74 dcl  dprint_arg_version_6 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (6);
75 dcl  dprint_arg_version_7 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (7);
76 dcl  dprint_arg_version_8 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (8);
77 dcl  dprint_arg_version_9 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (9);
78 dcl  dprint_arg_version_10 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (10);
79                                                             /* current version */
81 dcl  (
82      DP_PRINT init (1),
83      DP_PUNCH init (2),
84      DP_PLOT init (3)
85      ) fixed bin static options (constant);                 /* for dprint_arg.pt_pch */
87 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... dprint_arg.incl.pl1 */