1 /*     BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... dmp_info.incl.pl1 ... last modified Dec 1975 */
 3 /* Input structure for supervisor interface for dumper */
 5 dcl dumper_input_ptr ptr;
 7 dcl 1 dumper_input based (dumper_input_ptr) aligned,
 8     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* version number of structure */
 9     2 pvid bit(36),                                         /* physical volume id of volume to dump */
10     2 type fixed bin,                                       /* type of dump */
11     2 flags,
12      (3 date_criterion bit(1),                              /* enable date testing dtm < check_time */
13       3 rethread bit(1),                                    /* if on forces rethreading */
14       3 no_update_vtoce bit(1),                             /* if on do not update vtoce (dtd and volid ) */
15       3 no_object bit(1),                                   /* if on do not return object */
16       3 pad bit(32))unal,
17     2 vtocx fixed bin,                                      /* vtoc index */
18     2 start_time fixed bin(71),                             /* start time of this cycle */
19     2 check_time fixed bin(71),                             /* time to check dtm against  */
20     2 volid bit(36);                                        /* volume id on which dump will be written */
23 /* Output structure for dumper supervisor  interface */
25 dcl dumper_output_ptr ptr;
27 dcl 1 dumper_output based (dumper_output_ptr) aligned,
28     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* version number of structure */
29     2 vtocx fixed bin,                                      /* vtoc index of returned vtoc entry */
30     2 vtoce like vtoce aligned;                             /* vtoc entry */
32 dcl  incr fixed bin init (1) internal static;               /* incremental dump mode */
33 dcl  cons fixed bin init (2) internal static;               /* consolidated dump mode */
34 dcl  comp fixed bin init (3) internal static;               /* complete dump mode */
35 dcl  version fixed bin init (1) static internal;            /* version of input/output structures */
36 dcl  null_dmpr_thrd fixed bin init(-2) internal static;     /* if thread word set thus item not on thread */
37 dcl  end_of_dmpr_list fixed bin init(-1) internal static;   /* end of list value */
39 /*     END INCLUDE FILE ... dmp_info.incl.pl1 ...  */