1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... dmpr_data_.incl.pl1 Feb 1976 */
  2 /* format: style1,ind2,^inddcls,ifthenstmt,dclind2,declareind2,ifthendo,ifthen*/
  3 /* Modified 7/79 by D. Vinograd to add new variables and change to based structure */
  4 /* Modified: 1/26/83 by GA Texada to add cur_vol_open and change version to 2.     */
  5 /* Modified: 04/05/83 by GA Texada to add trace switch to support tracing.         */
  6 /* Modified 04/84 by GA Texada to change to version 3 (disk_type). This begins the adding of new items        */
  7 /* to the END of the structure to facilite easy additions.                                                    */
  8 dcl dmprp                ptr ext static init (null);
  9 dcl dmpr_data_version_2  fixed bin int static init (2) options (constant);
 10 dcl dmpr_data_version_3  fixed bin int static init (3) options (constant);
 11                                                             /* Version 3 is current                           */
 13 dcl 1 dmpr_data_         aligned based (dmprp),
 14     2 version            fixed bin,                         /* version */
 15     2 lock               bit (36),                          /* inter-lock */
 16     2 ptrs,
 17       3 pre_attach_pvlp  (50) ptr,                          /* array of pvolog ptrs */
 18       3 contents_namesp  ptr,                               /* ptr to contents name seg */
 19       3 pre_attach_iocbp (50) ptr,                          /* array of output iocbp */
 20       3 pvlp             ptr,                               /* ptr to dump volume log */
 21       3 account_iocbp    ptr,                               /* iocbp for account seg */
 22       3 infop            ptr,                               /* ptr to info seg */
 23       3 inputp           ptr,                               /* ptr to input storage for sup interface */
 24       3 recordp          ptr,                               /* ditto for output */
 25       3 control_iocbp    ptr,                               /* iocbp for dump control segment */
 26       3 error_iocbp      ptr,                               /* iocbp for error output file */
 27       3 outputvol_iocbp  ptr,                               /* iocbp for dump volume */
 28       3 contentsp        ptr,                               /* ptr to dump volume table of contents */
 29       3 bvlp             ptr,                               /* ptr to volume log */
 30       3 dirp             ptr,                               /* ptr to directory buffer seg */
 31       3 segp             ptr,                               /* ptr to segment to be dumped */
 32       3 fcbp             ptr,                               /* ptr to file control block for contents_name msf */
 33       3 vpp              ptr,                               /* ptr to volume pool */
 34     2 fixed_bin,
 35       3 retrys           fixed bin,                         /* number of time segment disappeared while being dumped */
 36       3 physical_volume_dir_num fixed bin,                  /* number of dirs dumped from this physical volume */
 37       3 physical_volume_dir_rec fixed bin,                  /* number of dir records on this physical volume */
 38       3 physical_volume_seg_num fixed bin,                  /* number of segs dumped from this physical volume */
 39       3 physical_volume_seg_rec fixed bin,                  /* number of seg records dumped from this physical volume  */
 40       3 vol_log_dir_num  fixed bin,                         /*  dirs dumped from pvol to dump vol */
 41       3 vol_log_dir_rec  fixed bin,                         /*  dir rec on this pvol to dump vol */
 42       3 vol_log_seg_num  fixed bin,                         /*  segs dumped from pvol to dump vol */
 43       3 vol_log_seg_rec  fixed bin,                         /*  seg rec dumped from pvol to dump vol  */
 44       3 dump_volume_dir_num fixed bin,                      /* number of dirs dumped on this dump volume */
 45       3 dump_volume_dir_rec fixed bin,                      /* number of dir records on this dump volume */
 46       3 dump_volume_seg_num fixed bin,                      /* number of segs dumped on this dump volume */
 47       3 dump_volume_seg_rec fixed bin,                      /* number of seg records dumped on this dump volume  */
 48       3 num_null_vtoce   fixed bin,                         /* number of null vtoce dumped from this physical volume */
 49       3 num_vtoce_only   fixed bin,                         /* number of vtoce only  */
 50       3 mod_after_time   fixed bin (71),                    /* dump all modified since this date */
 51       3 dump_type        fixed bin,                         /* type of dump */
 52       3 save_time        fixed bin (71),                    /* date, time of start of dump */
 53       3 start_time       fixed bin (71),                    /* start time of physical volume pass */
 54       3 wakeup_interval  fixed bin (71),                    /* interval between wakeups of dumper in micro secs. */
 55       3 incr_ev_chn      fixed bin (71),                    /* event chn used to wakeup incremental dumper */
 56       3 incr_skip_count  fixed bin,                         /* number of incr cycles skiped befor purging */
 57       3 pre_attach_vol   fixed bin,                         /* if greater then 1 then pre attach output streams */
 58       3 vol_idx          fixed bin,                         /* index of multi volume attachment sequence */
 59       3 component        fixed bin,                         /* msf component of contents_name seg */
 60     2 bits,
 61       3 volid            bit (36),                          /* uid of dump volume */
 62       3 pre_attach_volid (50) bit (36),                     /* array of volid */
 63       3 cycle_uid        bit (36),                          /* uid of this dump cycle */
 64       3 pvid             bit (36),                          /* uid of physical volume being dumped */
 65       3 flags,
 66       ( 4 purge          bit (1),                           /* if on purge volume logs */
 67         4 auto_vol       bit (1),                           /* if on use automatic dump volume selection */
 68         4 disable_error_report bit (1),                     /* if on disables error reporting */
 69         4 arg_init       bit (1),                           /* if on indicates args have been processed */
 70         4 manual_free    bit (1),                           /* on if manual free will be done */
 71         4 err_online     bit (1),                           /* Flag error output to be online, default to a file */
 72         4 detach         bit (1),                           /* if on control detachment of dump volume */
 73         4 no_object      bit (1),                           /* if on not copy object from ring 0 */
 74         4 no_update      bit (1),                           /* if on prevent vtoce update */
 75         4 data_init      bit (1),                           /* if on indicates that data structure has been initialized */
 76         4 reset          bit (1),                           /* if on put items back on list */
 77         4 accounting     bit (1),                           /* if on enables accounting */
 78         4 dmpr_asleep    bit (1),                           /* dumper is asleep - interlock to prevent restart of last volume */
 79         4 dump_in_progress bit (1),                         /* recursive entry interlock */
 80         4 not_reported   bit (1),                           /* on if output counts not reported */
 81         4 names          bit (1),                           /* collect all names from dirs that are dumped */
 82         4 cur_vol_open   bit (1),                           /* if a successful open on this volname           */
 83         4 trace          bit (1),                           /* ON => trace                                    */
 84         4 pad            bit (18)) unal,                    /* fill out the word properly                     */
 85       3 old_256K_switch bit(2) aligned,                     /* 256K segs enabled prior to this dumper invocation?*/
 86       3 rpv_pvid        bit (36),                           /* because the label really doesn't have it       */
 87     2 chars,
 88       3 sys_dir          char (168),                        /* system directory where all volume dumper data lives */
 89       3 prev_volname     char (32),
 90       3 pre_attach_volname (50) char (32),                  /* array of volnames */
 91       3 io_module        char (32),                         /* name of attached outer module for output io */
 92       3 pvname           char (32),                         /* name of physical volume being dumped */
 93       3 att_desc         char (256),                        /* attach description for output */
 94       3 volname          char (32),                         /* name of dump volume */
 95       3 control_name     char (32),                         /* dump control file name   */
 96       3 myname           char (32),                         /* name of entry called */
 97       3 operator         char (32),                         /* operator name */
 98       3 restart_pvname   char (32),                         /* where to restart complete or consolidated dump */
 99       3 lvname           char (32),                         /* name of logical volume being dumped */
100    2 disk_type fixed bin;                                   /* disk type for recording in the volog           */
103 /* END OF INCLUDE FILE ... dmpr_data_.incl.pl1 */