1 /*  START OF:       dm_tm_txn_info.incl.pl1       */
 3 /* HISTORY:
 5 Designed by Matt Pierret, 01/26/82.
 6 Coded by Steve Herbst, 08/06/82.
 7 Modified:
 8 01/18/83 by Steve Herbst: Version 2, added new TDT info.
 9 05/06/83 by Steve Herbst: Version 3, added journal_info.
10 05/27/83 by Steve Herbst: Version 4, added checkpoint_id & rollback_count.
11 05/10/84 by Steve Herbst: Version 5, added bj_oid.
12 */
14 dcl  1    txn_info            aligned based (txn_info_ptr),
15       2   version             char (8),                     /* = "TXNINF05" */
16       2   txn_id              bit (36) aligned,             /* unique id of transaction */
17       2   txn_index           fixed bin,                    /* index of TDT entry */
18       2   mode                fixed bin,                    /* mode in which transaction was begun */
19       2   state               fixed bin,                    /* current state of transaction */
20       2   error_code          fixed bin (35),               /* nonzero if error_sw is ON */
21       2   checkpoint_id       fixed bin,                    /* number of current checkpoint (0 = begin) */
22       2   rollback_count      fixed bin,                    /* number of times bjm_$rollback has been called */
23       2   owner_process_id    bit (36),                     /* id of process that began and owns the txn */
24       2   owner_name          char (32),                    /* Person.Project of owner process */
25       2   date_time_created   fixed bin (71),
26       2   flags,
27        3  dead_process_sw     bit (1) unaligned,
28        3  suspended_sw        bit (1) unaligned,
29        3  error_sw            bit (1) unaligned,
30        3  abandoned_sw        bit (1) unaligned,
31        3  kill_sw             bit (1) unaligned,
32        3  mbz                 bit (31) unaligned,
33       2   journal_info        aligned,                      /* NEW in Version 3 */
34        3  bj_uid              bit (36),                     /* UID of before journal chosen at begin time */
35        3  bj_oid              bit (36),                     /* perprocess opening id of before journal */
36        3  last_completed_operation
37                               char (4),
38        3  first_bj_rec_id     bit (36),                     /* id of first mark for this transaction */
39        3  last_bj_rec_id      bit (36),                     /* id of last mark for this transaction */
40        3  n_rec_written       fixed bin (35),               /* number of marks written for this transaction */
41        3  n_bytes_written     fixed bin (35);               /* total number of bytes written to the journal */
44 dcl txn_info_ptr ptr;
46 dcl TXN_INFO_VERSION_5 char (8) int static options (constant) init ("TXNINF05");
49 /*  END OF:         dm_tm_txn_info.incl.pl1       */