1 /*  START OF:       dm_tm_tdt.incl.pl1            */
 3 /* Transaction Definition Table for transaction_manager_ */
 4 /* This structure is used to reference the TDT. The process_id field for the
 5    i'th TDT entry, for example, is usually referenced as tm_tdt.process_id (i).
 6    A TDT entry is in use by a process when its process_id field is nonzero.
 7    An entry is reserved by using the stacq builtin to set process_id, if and
 8    only if it is already zero. The entry is being used for a transaction when
 9    tm_tdt.txn_id (i) is nonzero. The possible values of tm_tdt.state (i) are
10    listed in dm_tm_states.incl.pl1. If state = 0, no operation has been
11    performed yet on the transaction. */
14 /* HISTORY:
15 Designed by Matt Pierret, 01/26/82.
16 Coded by Steve Herbst, 07/27/82.
17 Modified:
18 08/05/82 by Steve Herbst: Added tm_tdt.operation and padded last_uid to full word.
19 08/05/82 by Steve Herbst: Changed creator_process_id to bit (36).
20 08/16/82 by Steve Herbst: Added contents of dm_tm_tdt_entry.incl.pl1.
21 09/09/82 by Steve Herbst: Removed in_use flag from TDT entry and rearranged fields.
22 09/20/82 by Steve Herbst: Removed tm_tdt.operation.
23 11/01/82 by Steve Herbst: Added event_channel and error_sw to tm_tdt_entry.
24 11/05/82 by Steve Herbst: Added suspended_sw and error_code to tm_tdt_entry.
25 11/11/82 by Steve Herbst: Deleted tm_tdt_entry.alloc_complete.
26 11/23/82 by Steve Herbst: Compacted, changed some numbers to unsigned.
27 12/14/82 by Steve Herbst: Added tm_tdt_entry.daemon_error_sw.
28 01/11/83 by Steve Herbst: Added owner_name, abandoned_sw & kill_sw to tm_tdt_entry.
29 01/24/83 by Steve Herbst: Replaced daemon_error_sw with daemon_adjust_count.
30 01/25/83 by Steve Herbst: Moved abandoned_sw from transaction portion to entry header portion.
31 05/13/83 by Steve Herbst: Version 3, changed all fixed bin (18) unal uns numbers to fixed bin (17) unaligned.
32 05/26/83 by Steve Herbst: Added rollback_count and checkpoint_id.
33 */
35 dcl       tm_tdt_ptr          ptr;
36 dcl       tdt_max_count       fixed bin;
38 dcl TM_TDT_VERSION_3 char (8) int static options (constant) init ("TM-TDT 3");
41 dcl  1    tm_tdt              aligned based (tm_tdt_ptr),
42       2   version char (8),                                 /* = "TM-TDT 3" */
43       2   lock fixed bin (71),                              /* (currently not used) */
44       2   last_uid            bit (27) aligned,             /* last transaction uid assigned */
45       2   flags,
46        3  no_begins           bit (1) unaligned,            /* ON => only priv process can begin transaction */
47        3  mbz1                bit (35) unaligned,
48       2   entry_count         fixed bin,                    /* number of slots allocated */
49       2   mbz2                fixed bin,                    /* for even word boundary */
50       2   entry  (tdt_max_count refer (tm_tdt.entry_count))
51                               like tm_tdt_entry;
55 /* TDT entries: */
57 dcl       tm_tdt_entry_ptr    ptr;
59 dcl  1    tm_tdt_entry        aligned based (tm_tdt_entry_ptr),
60       2   event_channel       fixed bin (71),               /* for communication with the process */
61       2   process_id          bit (36) aligned,             /* process for which this entry is reserved */
62       2   owner_name          char (32),                    /* person.project of owner process */
63       2   entry_flags,
64        3  abandoned_sw        bit (1) unaligned,            /* ON => owner has called tm_$abandon on this entry */
65        3  mbz3                bit (35) unaligned,
66       2   transaction         unaligned,
67        3  txn_id              bit (36) aligned,             /* unique identifier assigned at begin time */
68        3  date_time_created   fixed bin (71) aligned,
69        3  mode                fixed bin (17) unaligned,     /* mode specified with transaction begin */
70        3  state               fixed bin (17) unaligned,     /* state transaction is currently in */
71        3  error_code          fixed bin (35) aligned,       /* goes along with error_sw and error state */
72        3  checkpoint_id       fixed bin (17) unaligned,     /* identifier of the current rollback checkpoint */
73        3  rollback_count      fixed bin (17) unaligned,     /* number of times bjm_$rollback has been called */
74        3  daemon_adjust_count fixed bin (17) unaligned,     /* number of times daemon has tried to adjust since user */
75        3  return_idx          fixed bin (17) unaligned,     /* parent transaction, or zero */
76        3  flags,
77         4 dead_process_sw     bit (1) unaligned,            /* ON => treat process as dead even if it isn't yet */
78         4 suspended_sw        bit (1) unaligned,            /* ON => suspended by tm_$suspend_txn */
79         4 error_sw            bit (1) unaligned,            /* ON => state is one of the error states */
80         4 kill_sw             bit (1) unaligned,            /* ON => being processed by tm_$kill */
81         4 mbz4                bit (29) unaligned,
82        3  post_commit_flags,
83         4 (fmgr,
84            bjmgr,
85            ajmgr)              bit (1) unaligned,
86        3  mbz4                fixed bin;
89 /*  END OF:         dm_tm_tdt.incl.pl1            */