1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE dm_system_config.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* format: style4,indattr,ifthenstmt,ifthen,^indcomtxt,idind33 */
 6           This is the structure of the data in a Data Management configuration
 7      file.  The configuration data is used during Data Management per-system
 8      initialization to override hardcoded default in dm_system_data_ and
 9      give the disposition of old bootloads.  This table is created at runtime
10      via a call to dm_translate_system_config_ subroutine.
12           NOTE:  only the data in the dm_system_config_info structure is used
13      to generate the checksum; the dm_system_config structure is used to
14      overlay the segment containing the configuration data, including the
15      lock and checksum cells.
16 */
17 /* HISTORY:
18 Written by M. Pandolf, 12/06/82.
19 Modified:
20 03/14/83 by M. Pandolf: for single AIM class structure and more items.
21 03/28/83 by M. Pandolf: for default default_bj and log_terms.
22 05/04/83 by L. A. Newcomb:  Added new element, recovery_check_mode, and
23             changed the version and most character values to "char (8)"'s for
24             ease of use.  A string of 8 blanks is no longer a valid value for
25             any of the char strings.
26 06/09/83 by L. A. Newcomb:  moved lock to just before checksum so we can
27             correctly determine checksum without the lock in the way.
28 05/29/84 by Lindsey L. Spratt:  Changed to version 2.  Removed various cells
29             which are not used; first_boot, trace_stack_mode, max_n_bj and
30             subsystem_disposition (to enable/disable bjm, tm or lm).
31 06/12/84 by Lindsey L. Spratt:  Added the shutdown_delay cell.
32 */
34 dcl  dm_system_config_ptr             pointer;
36 dcl  1 dm_system_config               aligned based (dm_system_config_ptr),
37        2 information                  like dm_system_config_info,
38                                                             /* NEXT MUST NOT BE IN CHECKSUM VALUE */
39        2 lock                         bit (36) aligned,     /* to prevent installations during initialization */
40        2 checksum                     fixed bin (35);       /* for error detection */
42 dcl  1 dm_system_config_info          aligned based (dm_system_config_ptr),
43        2 version                      char (8) aligned,     /* = DM_CONFIG_VERSION_2 */
44        2 idle_timeout                 fixed bin,            /* max time daemon will remain idle before wakeup */
45        2 shutdown_delay               fixed bin (71),       /* Default time offset from issuing shutdown warning to forcing user shutdown */
46        2 log_proc_terms               bit (1) aligned,      /* true if process terminations to be logged */
47        2 max_n_txn                    fixed bin,            /* found in the data segment */
48        2 max_n_proc                   fixed bin,            /* dm_system_data_ */
49        2 default_bj_size              fixed bin,            /* size of before journal made by daemon */
50        2 default_bj                   aligned,
51          3 dir                        char (168),           /* dir containing default before journal */
52          3 entry                      char (32),            /* entryname of default before journal */
53        2 prev_dm_disp                 aligned,              /* what to do with old botload */
54          3 adopt                      char (8),             /* DM_ADOPT_OLD_BOOTLOAD | DM_DO_NOT_ADOPT_OLD_BOOTLOAD */
55          3 hold                       char (8),             /* DM_HOLD_OLD_BOOTLOAD_DIRECTORY | */
56                                                             /*   DM_DO_NOT_HOLD_OLD_BOOTLOAD_DIRECTORY */
57          3 recover                    char (8),             /* DM_RECOVER_OLD_BOOTLOAD | */
58                                                             /*   DM_DO_NOT_RECOVER_OLD_BOOTLOAD */
59          3 recovery_check_mode        char (8),             /* DM_RECOVERY_CHECK_MODE_ON | DM_RECOVERY_CHECK_MODE_OFF */
60        2 curr_dm_enable               char (8);             /* DM_FORCE_ENABLE_NEW_BOOTLOAD | */
61                                                             /*   DM_DO_NOT_FORCE_ENABLE_NEW_BOOTLOAD */
62 %page;
63 dcl  (                                                      /* all the "char (8) aligned" constants */
64      DM_CONFIG_VERSION_2              init ("dmcnfg_2"),
66      DM_ADOPT_OLD_BOOTLOAD            init ("adopt"),
67      DM_DO_NOT_ADOPT_OLD_BOOTLOAD     init ("no_adopt"),
69      DM_FORCE_ENABLE_NEW_BOOTLOAD     init ("fc_enabl"),
70      DM_DO_NOT_FORCE_ENABLE_NEW_BOOTLOAD init ("no_enabl"),
72      DM_HOLD_OLD_BOOTLOAD_DIRECTORY   init ("hold"),
73      DM_DO_NOT_HOLD_OLD_BOOTLOAD_DIRECTORY init ("no_hold"),
75      DM_RECOVER_OLD_BOOTLOAD          init ("do_recov"),
76      DM_DO_NOT_RECOVER_OLD_BOOTLOAD   init ("no_recov"),
78      DM_RECOVERY_CHECK_MODE_ON        init ("rcvck_on"),
79      DM_RECOVERY_CHECK_MODE_OFF       init ("rcvck_of")
81      )                                char (8) aligned internal static options (constant);
83 /* END INCLUDE FILE dm_system_config.incl.pl1 */