1 /* ***** BEGIN INCLUDE FILE  dm_shutdown_spec.incl.pl1 ***** */
 5    Contains the shutdown_spec structure and the shutdown_info
 6    structure.  The shutdown_spec structure a reason for a DM
 7    shutdown, a set of times and a set of delays.  Only times and
 8    delays which explicitly specified are set, the others are equal to
 9    0.
11    The shutdown_spec is processed with the result being a
12    shutdown_info structure.  It contains a reason and a set of times.
13    The times are either those times specified in the shutdown_spec or
14    times calculated from those times using delays.  The delays are
15    those specified in the shutdown_spec, or, if not specified,
16    default delays.  Default delays are kept in dm_system_data.
17 */
19 /* HISTORY:
20 Written by Matthew Pierret, 09/06/84.
21 Modified:
22 */
24 /* format: style2,ind3 */
25      dcl     1 shutdown_spec        aligned based (shutdown_spec_ptr),
26                2 version            char (8) aligned,
27                2 reason             char (64),
28                2 times,
29                  3 user_warning_time
30                                     fixed bin (71),
31                  3 begin_shutdown_time
32                                     fixed bin (71),
33                  3 user_shutdown_time
34                                     fixed bin (71),
35                  3 user_bump_time   fixed bin (71),
36                  3 daemon_logout_time
37                                     fixed bin (71),
38                2 delays,
39                  3 begin_shutdown_delay
40                                     fixed bin (71),
41                  3 user_shutdown_delay
42                                     fixed bin (71),
43                  3 user_bump_delay  fixed bin (71),
44                  3 daemon_logout_delay
45                                     fixed bin (71);
47      dcl     shutdown_spec_ptr      ptr;
48      dcl     SHUTDOWN_SPEC_VERSION_1
49                                     init ("ShutSp 1") char (8) aligned internal static options (constant);
51      dcl     1 shutdown_info        aligned based (shutdown_info_ptr),
52                2 version            char (8) aligned,
53                2 reason             char (64),
54                2 times              like shutdown_spec.times,
55                2 output_flags       aligned,
56                  3 no_time_specified
57                                     bit (1) unal,
58                  3 times_have_changed
59                                     bit (1) unal,
60                  3 mbz              bit (34) unal;
62      dcl     shutdown_info_ptr      ptr init (null ());
63      dcl     SHUTDOWN_INFO_VERSION_1
64                                     init ("ShutIn 1") char (8) aligned internal static options (constant);
66 /* ******* END INCLUDE FILE dm_shutdown_spec.incl.pl1 ***** */