1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE - dm_im_header.incl.pl1 */
 5           The index_header structure is stored in the header element of an
 6      index collection and describes basic information about the index.
 7 */
 9 /* HISTORY:
11 Written by Lindsey Spratt, 04/02/82.
12 Modified:
13 10/28/82 by Lindsey Spratt:  Changed to version 3.  Added the key_count_array.
14             count(0) is the number of keys in the index.  count(N) is the
15             number of keys in the index which have at least fields 1 through N
16             having the same value as another key in the index, i.e. count(N)
17             is the number of partial duplicates with number of partial
18             duplication fields equal to N.
19 10/24/84 by Lindsey L. Spratt:  Added a description. Converted to version 4.
20             Replaced the key_count_array with a key_count_array_element_id.
21             Changed the version field to char(8).  Aligned the structure.
22 */
24 /* format: style2,ind3 */
25      dcl     1 index_header         aligned based (index_header_ptr),
26                2 version            char (8) aligned,
27                2 field_table_element_id
28                                     like element_id,
29                2 root_id            fixed bin (24) unsigned unaligned,
30                2 pad1               bit (12) unaligned,
31                2 number_of_duplication_fields
32                                     fixed bin (17) unal,
33                2 pad2               bit (18) unal,
34                2 key_count_array_element_id
35                                     like element_id;
37      dcl     index_header_ptr       ptr;
38      dcl     INDEX_HEADER_VERSION_4 init ("IdxHdr 4") char (8) aligned internal static options (constant);
40 /* END INCLUDE FILE - dm_im_header.incl.pl1 */