1 /* ********** BEGIN INCLUDE FILE dm_field_table.incl.pl1 ********** */
 5           The field_table describes the layout of a set of fields in a
 6      formatted data string.  Such a string is the stored representation of a
 7      record or a key.  Fields are placed side-by-side in the string in the
 8      order they appear in the field_table.field array.  The string is divided
 9      into the fixed portion and the varying portion.  In the fixed portion
10      appear fixed-length fields and fixed-size length-fields for
11      varying-length fields.  In the varying portion appear varying length
12      fields.  The length-field for a varying-length field contains the length
13      of the field values either in bits or in characters, depending on the
14      data type of the field.
15 */
17 /* HISTORY:
18 Written by Matthew Pierret, 04/01/82.
19 Modified:
20 04/20/82 by Matthew Pierret: Added length_is_in_characters, meaning, if on,
21             that if the field is varying, its length is expressed in
22             bytes/characters.
23 03/22/83 by Lindsey Spratt:  Changed lofvf to have a precision of 35 instead
24             of 17, changed version to 2, changed version field to char(8) from
25             fixed bin (17).
26 05/01/84 by Matthew Pierret:  Changed version to 3. Removed field.name and
27             put field names in one string (field_names) at the end of the
28             structure. Added field.location_of_name and field.length_of_name
29             for locating the field name in field_names. Aligned all "fixed bin"
30             structure elements.  Changed maximum_field_name_length to
31             length_of_field_names.
32 */
34 /* format: style2 */
36      dcl     1 field_table          aligned based (field_table_ptr),
37                2 version            char (8) aligned init (FIELD_TABLE_VERSION_3),
38                2 number_of_fields   fixed bin (17),
39                2 length_of_field_names
40                                     fixed bin (17),         /* length of field_names in characters */
41                2 location_of_first_varying_field
42                                     fixed bin (35),         /* location of first bit in the varying portion of the formatted string */
43                2 field              (ft_number_of_fields refer (field_table.number_of_fields)),
44                  3 flags            aligned,
45                    4 descriptor_is_varying
46                                     bit (1) unal,           /* if on, the descriptor is not limited to the standard 36 bits */
47                                                             /* and is stored in a stand-alone fashion, with field.descriptor */
48                                                             /* containing the id of the element in which the descriptor is stored. */
49                    4 length_is_in_characters
50                                     bit (1) unal,           /* if field is varying, the length field describes its length */
51                                                             /* in characters instead of in bits */
52                    4 must_be_zero   bit (34) unal,
53                  3 descriptor       bit (36) aligned,
54                  3 location         fixed bin (35),         /* location of first bit of field in formatted string */
55                  3 length_in_bits   fixed bin (35),         /* length of field in bits */
56                3 location_of_name   fixed bin (17),         /* location of first character of field name in field_names */
57                3 length_of_name     fixed bin (17),         /* length of name in characters */
58                2 varying_field_map  (ft_number_of_fields refer (field_table.number_of_fields)),
59                  3 field_id         fixed bin (17),         /* field_id of Nth varying field */
60                  3 varying_field_index
61                                     fixed bin (17),         /* ordinality among varying fields of field N */
62                2 field_names        char (ft_length_of_field_names refer (field_table.length_of_field_names));
65      dcl     field_table_ptr        ptr;
66      dcl     ft_length_of_field_names
67                                     fixed bin;
68      dcl     ft_number_of_fields    fixed bin;
69      dcl     FIELD_TABLE_VERSION_3  char (8) aligned init ("FldTbl 3") internal static options (constant);
71 dcl field_name char (field_name_length) based (field_name_ptr);
73 dcl field_name_length fixed bin;
74 dcl field_name_ptr ptr;
76 /* END INCLUDE FILE dm_field_table.incl.pl1 */