1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... disk_stat.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* This segment is created by "sweep" and read by "charge_disk" when disk stats are being charged. */
 4 /* Modified April 1976 by TAC to add dqta, duse, and dtpp */
 6 dcl  sp ptr;                                                /* pointer to segment */
 8 dcl 1 disk_stat based (sp) aligned,                         /* structure of segment */
 9     2 dents fixed bin,                                      /* number of entries */
10     2 dpad1 fixed bin,
11     2 dtime fixed bin (71),                                 /* Time file was generated */
12     2 dreset fixed bin (71),                                /* Time of disk reset */
13     2 dpad2 (2) fixed bin,
14     2 dtab (1000),                                          /* one for each dir with a quota */
15       3 spth char (168),                                    /* path name */
16       3 sqta fixed bin,                                     /* segment quota */
17       3 dqta fixed bin,                                     /* directory quota */
18       3 suse fixed bin,                                     /* segment pages qued */
19       3 duse fixed bin,                                     /* directory pages used */
20       3 stpp fixed bin (71),                                /* time-page product for segments */
21       3 dtpp fixed bin (71),                                /* time-page product for directories */
22       3 slvid bit (36),                                     /* son's lvid of this dir */
23       3 slev fixed bin;                                     /* recursion level */
25 dcl  lodh fixed bin init (8),                               /* lth of disk_stat head */
26      lode fixed bin init (52);                              /* lth of disk_stat entry */
28 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... disk_stat.incl.pl1 */