1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... dialup_values.incl.pl1 */
  3 /* format: style4 */
  5 /* Values for "cdte.tra_vec" used by dialup_ and others. */
  7 /* Modified by T. Casey April 1976 to add WAIT_NEW_PASSWORD
  8    -                in 1977 and 1978 to add WAIT_(GREETING_MSG DELETE_CHANNEL)
  9    -                and in October 1979 to add WAIT_CONNECT_REQUEST
 10    Modified by Robert Coren in May 1981 to add TANDD_ATTACH values and
 11                     WAIT_DISCARD_WAKEUP
 12    Modified by T. Casey, July 1981, for MR9.0, to add WAIT_BEFORE_HANGUP.
 13    Modified by E. N. Kittlitz, July 1982, to add TTY_MASKED.
 14 */
 17   1) change(87-04-20,GDixon), approve(87-07-13,MCR7741),
 18      audit(87-07-16,Brunelle), install(87-08-04,MR12.1-1056):
 19      Add constant arrays naming cdte.state, cdte.tra_vec and ute.active values.
 20   2) change(87-05-11,GDixon), approve(87-07-13,MCR7741),
 21      audit(87-07-16,Brunelle), install(87-08-04,MR12.1-1056):
 22      Add named constants for instance tags.
 23                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 25 dcl  (WAIT_DIALUP init (1),                                 /* Channel waiting for dialup. */
 26      WAIT_ANSWERBACK initial (2),                           /* WRU sent, waiting for reply */
 27      WAIT_LOGIN_LINE init (3),                              /* Greeting typed, wait for login command. */
 28      WAIT_LOGIN_ARGS init (4),                              /* Want rest of login line */
 29      WAIT_OLD_PASSWORD init (5),                            /* "-cpw" was specified. Wait for old password. */
 30      WAIT_PASSWORD init (6),                                /* Waiting for password. (If "-cpw", repeat of new one.) */
 31      WAIT_NEW_PASSWORD init (7),                            /* "-cpw" was specified. Wait for new password */
 32      WAIT_LOGOUT_SIG init (8),                              /* Channel is hooked up. Wait for logout. */
 33      WAIT_LOGOUT init (9),                                  /* A logout has been requested. Wait for process to die */
 34      WAIT_LOGOUT_HOLD init (10),                            /* As above but don't hang up when it dies. */
 35      WAIT_DETACH init (11),                                 /* As above but ignore channel afterwards. */
 36      WAIT_NEW_PROC init (12),                               /* As above but make new process and continue. */
 37      WAIT_REMOVE init (13),                                 /* As above but completely expunge channel. */
 38      WAIT_FIN_PRIV_ATTACH init (14),                        /* When channel dials up, connect it to user */
 39      WAIT_DIAL_RELEASE init (15),                           /* Waiting for master process to release. */
 40      WAIT_DIAL_OUT init (16),                               /* Waiting for auto call to complete */
 41      WAIT_HANGUP init (17),                                 /* Wait for the hangup event to occur for a channel */
 42      WAIT_SLAVE_REQUEST init (18),                          /* Ignore line until someone asks */
 43      WAIT_GREETING_MSG init (19),                           /* Print greeting message and wait for login line */
 44      WAIT_DELETE_CHANNEL init (20),                         /* Channel deleted - mark cdte after process is destroyed */
 45      WAIT_CONNECT_REQUEST init (21),                        /* logged in; awaiting request re disconnected processes */
 46      WAIT_TANDD_HANGUP init (22),                           /* when channel hangs up, proceed with t & d attachment */
 47      WAIT_FIN_TANDD_ATTACH init (23),                       /* when channel dials up, finish t & d attachment */
 48      WAIT_DISCARD_WAKEUPS init (24),                        /* disregard all wakeups on channel */
 49      WAIT_BEFORE_HANGUP init (25),                          /* allow output to print before hanging up */
 50      WAIT_DESTROY_REQUEST init (26),                        /* waiting to continue with destroy request after process has destroyed itself */
 51      WAIT_NEW_PROC_REQUEST init (27)                        /* waiting to continue with new_proc request after process has destroyed itself */
 52      ) fixed bin internal static options (constant);
 54 dcl  TRA_VEC_VALUES (0:13) char (32) aligned int static options (constant) init
 55                                                             /* names of ute.destroy_flag values */
 56           ("", "wait dialup", "wait answerback", "wait login line", /*  0-3  */
 57           "wait login args", "wait old password", "wait password",  /*  4-6  */
 58           "wait new password", "wait logout signal", "wait logout", /*  7-9  */
 59           "wait logout hold", "wait detach", "wait new proc",       /* 10-12 */
 60           "wait remove");                                           /*   -13 */
 62 /* Values for "cdte.state", typewriter state. */
 64 dcl  (TTY_MASKED init (-1),                                 /* Terminal channel is there, but masked by MCS */
 65      TTY_HUNG init (1),                                     /* Terminal channel is there, but dead. */
 66      TTY_KNOWN init (2),                                    /* Channel being "listened" to, awaiting dialup. */
 67      TTY_DIALED init (5)                                    /* Channel is dialed up. This is normal state. */
 68      ) fixed bin internal static options (constant);
 70 dcl  STATE_VALUES (-1:5) char (15) aligned int static options (constant) init
 71                                                             /* names of cdte.state values */
 72           ("masked", "dead", "hung up", "listening", "", "", "dialed up");
 74 /* Values for "cdte.in_use" and "ate.active" */
 76 dcl  (NOW_FREE init (0),                                    /* Entry is empty. */
 77      NOW_HUNG_UP init (1),                                  /* Entry is usable but tty is hung up. */
 78      NOW_LISTENING init (2),                                /* Entry is waiting for phone call. */
 79      NOW_DIALED init (3),                                   /* Entry is connected but login not complete. */
 80      NOW_LOGGED_IN init (4),                                /* Entry is logged in but no process. */
 81      NOW_HAS_PROCESS init (5),                              /* Entry has a valid process. */
 82      NOW_DIALING init (6),                                  /* Entry (auto_call line) is dialing */
 83      NOW_DIALED_OUT init (7)                                /* Entry (auto_call line) is in use */
 84      ) fixed bin internal static options (constant);
 86 dcl  ACTIVE_VALUES (0:5) char (18) aligned int static options (constant) init
 87                                                             /* names of ute.active values */
 88           ("free", "hung-up", "listening", "dialed", "logged in, no proc", "logged in & proc");
 91 /**** Values for ute.tag */
 93 dcl (TAG_INTERACTIVE init("a"),
 94      TAG_UFT init("f"),
 95      TAG_ABSENTEE init("m"),
 96      TAG_PROXY init("p"),
 97      TAG_DAEMON init("z")
 98      ) char(1) int static options(constant);
101 /**** Following are constants used to indicate to the process termination
102       handler the reason for the process termination.  They are used by
103       uc_proc_term_handler_, as well as uc_ls_new_proc_request_ and
104       uc_ls_destroy_request_. */
106 dcl  (
107      PT_FPE initial (1),
108      PT_LOGOUT initial (4),
109      PT_NEW_PROC_AUTH initial (13),
110      PT_HANGUP initial (20),
111      PT_SHUTDOWN initial (21),
112      PT_BUMP initial (22),
113      PT_ALARM initial (23),
114      PT_DETACH initial (24),
115      PT_UNBUMP initial (25),
116      PT_OPERATOR_TERMINATE initial (27),
117      PT_DESTROY_REQUEST initial (30),
118      PT_NEW_PROC_REQUEST initial (31)
119      ) fixed bin (17) internal static options (constant);
121 /**** Values for ute.preempted:
122   -1  user unbumped after term signal sent
123    0  user unbumped; ignore alarm___
124    1  value internally used in load_ctl_
125    2  user bumped; when alarm___ comes in, send term signal
126    3  term signal sent; destroy process if termsgnl, alarm___, or cpulimit
127       signals come in
128    4  user bumped; process sick, so destroy without sending term signal
129    5  trm_ signal sent, termsgnl received; (if still 3, we never got the
130       termsgnl).                                                             */
132 dcl  (
133      PREEMPT_UNBUMP initial (-1),
134      PREEMPT_UNBUMP_IGNORE_ALARM initial (0),
135      PREEMPT_LOAD_CTL initial (1),
136      PREEMPT_BUMPED initial (2),
137      PREEMPT_TERM_SENT initial (3),
138      PREEMPT_BUMPED_NO_TERM initial (4),
139      PREEMPT_TERMSGNL_RECEIVED initial (5)
140      ) fixed bin (17) internal static options(constant);
142 dcl  PREEMPT_VALUES (-1:5) char(28) varying int static options(constant) init(
143           "unbumped",
144           "not bumped, ignore alarm___",
145           "load_ctl_",
146           "bumped",
147           "bumped, trm_ sent",
148           "bumped without trm_",
149           "bumped, termsgnl received");
151 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... dialup_values.incl.pl1 */