1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... dial_server_request.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* This include file declares the data structure to be
 4    passed to the dial facility to allow a process
 5    to accept dials.
 6 */
 7 /*  Modified 11-9-76 by S.T. Kent to add selective channel release flag
 8    and registered dial server flag
 9    Modified April 1979 by Larry Johnson for no_hangup option on release channel
10    Modified November 1980 by E.N. Kittlitz for baud rate, line server
11    type, and to separate dial_out_destination from dial_qualifier
12    Modified March 1981 by Robert Coren to add tandd_attach and no_listen bits
13    Modified April 1983 by E. N. Kittlitz for access_class.
14    Moodified 84-04-04 BIM for privileged_server.
15 */
17 dcl  request_ptr ptr;
19 dcl  dial_server_request_version_4 fixed bin internal static initial (4);
21 dcl 1 dial_server_request aligned based (request_ptr),
22     2 header like as_request_header,                        /* std header */
23     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* version of this structure */
24     2 dial_control_channel fixed bin (71),                  /* send dial acknowledgements here */
25     2 dial_qualifier char (22),                             /* dial qualifier name to use */
26     2 channel_name char (32),                               /* channel to attach (may have * convention) */
27     2 dial_out_destination char (32),                       /* phone-no, etc. for dial out */
28     2 baud_rate fixed bin,                                  /* baud rate required */
29     2 line_type fixed bin,                                  /* line type (protocol) required */
30     2 server_type char (32),                                /* expansion... */
31     2 flags aligned,                                        /* control flags */
32       3 start bit (1) unaligned,                            /* start as server */
33       3 stop bit (1) unaligned,                             /* stop as server */
34       3 privileged_attach bit (1) unaligned,                /* grab channel */
35       3 release_channel bit (1) unaligned,                  /* release this channel */
36       3 registered_server bit (1) unaligned,                /* request to become a dial server with a registered qualifier */
37       3 no_hangup bit (1) unaligned,                        /* release channel without hanging it up */
38       3 release_dial_id bit (1) unaligned,                  /* stop as dial server, but keep current dial-ups */
39       3 tandd_attach bit (1) unaligned,                     /* grab channel and force it not to listen */
40       3 no_listen bit (1) unaligned,                        /* don't listen again at release */
41       3 access_class_specified bit (1) unaligned,           /* access_class is valid */
42       3 privileged_server bit (1) unaligned,                /* allow_dials/registered_server of range */
43       3 pad bit (25) unaligned,
44     2 access_class bit (72);
47 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... dial_server_request.incl.pl1 */