1 /* Begin include file dial_out_info.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* Written by C. Hornig, April 1982 */
 5      dcl     DIAL_OUT_INFO_VERSION_2
 6                                     char (8) static options (constant) init ("doinfo_2");
 7      dcl     dial_out_info_ptr      ptr;
 8      dcl     1 dial_out_info        aligned based (dial_out_info_ptr),
 9                2 version            char (8),               /* version of this structure */
10                2 command_name       char (32) unaligned,    /* name of command invoking subsystem */
11                2 net_iocb           pointer,                /* switch to which data is sent */
12                2 request_table_ptr
13                                     pointer,                /* points to ssu_ request table */
14                2 profile_ptr        pointer,                /* points to abbrev profile */
15                2 request_ptr        pointer,                /* points to initial request */
16                2 request_length     fixed bin (21),         /* length of initial request */
17                2 esc_char           character (1),          /* command prefix character */
18                2 flags,
19                  3 raw_sw           bit (1) unaligned,      /* do not do Multics terminal management */
20                  3 echo_sw          bit (1) unaligned,      /* echo characters typed by user */
21                  3 abbrev_sw        bit (1) unaligned,      /* do abbrev processing in request lines */
22                  3 lfecho_sw        bit (1) unaligned,      /* treat CR's as LF's */
23                  3 send_lf_sw       bit (1) unaligned,      /* send LF on CR */
24                  3 quit_sw          bit (1) unaligned,      /* send interrupt on quit */
25                  3 brief_sw         bit (1) unaligned,      /* don't print unneeded messages */
26                  3 no_startup_sw    bit (1) unaligned,      /* don't run start_up. */
27                  3 no_breakall_sw
28                                     bit (1) unaligned,      /* transmit on every vs. transmit on NL */
29                  3 pad              bit (27) unaligned,     /* END OF VERSION 0 STRUCTURE */
30                2 cmd_version        varying char (8),       /* version of command calling dial_out */
31                                                             /* END OF VERSION 1 STRUCTURE */
32                2 modes_ptr          ptr,                    /* ptr to initial modes */
33                2 modes_len          fixed bin (21);         /* length of same */
34                                                             /* END OF VERSION 2 STRUCTURE */
36 /* End include file dial_out_info.incl.pl1 */