1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE . . .  db_ext_stat_.incl.pl1
 2    *
 3    *      This include file is used to reference the common data  that is passed from the
 4    *      main debug procedure  "debug" to other debug procedures.  This data is in db_ext_stat_.alm
 5    *
 6    *      modified 7/75 by S.E. Barr for the break instructions
 7 */
 9 dcl 1 db_ext_stat_$db_ext_stat_ ext static aligned,
11     2 debug_input char (32) aligned,                        /* Input switch name.  Initially "user_input" */
12     2 debug_output char (32) aligned,                       /* output switch name.  Initially "user_output" */
13     2 return_label label,                                   /* The label used to do a non local goto out of debug when
14                                                                it was entered via a fault.  It will go to debug in
15                                                                another frame.  */
17     2 debug_io_ptr (2) ptr,                                 /* pointers to iocb for i/o
18                                                                1 = input switch iocb ptr
19                                                                2 = output switch iocb ptr      */
20     2 flags aligned,
21       3 debug_io_attach (2) bit (1) unaligned,              /* 1= debug made the attachment */
22       3 debug_io_open (2) bit (1) unaligned,                /* 1 = debug opened the switch */
23       3 in_debug bit (1) unaligned,                         /* Switch for the any_other condition.  0 = send the
24                                                                condition on;  1 = use the debug condition handler */
25       3 static_handler_call bit (1) unal,                   /* ON if mme2 call from static handler */
26       3 pad bit (30) unaligned;                             /* Reserved for future use */
27 dcl  db_ext_stat_$break_instructions (9) bit (36) ext static aligned;
29 /*        END OF INCLUDE FILE  ... db_ext_stat_.incl.pl1  */