1 /*  START OF:       copy_dir_options.incl.pl1  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *    */
 3           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
 4           /*                                                                                        */
 5           /* This include file is used with the copy_dir_ subroutine to control the                 */
 6           /* type of entries copied or moved, and to control the operation of the subroutine.       */
 7           /* Status:                                                                                */
 8           /*                                                                                        */
 9           /* 0) Created:     11/14/80 by GA Texada                                                  */
10           /* 1) Modified:    09/25/84 by B. Braun to add the parent_ac_sw.                          */
11           /*                                                                                        */
12           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
14           dcl 1 copy_dir_options        aligned based(pcopy_dir_options),
15                 2 version               fixed bin,          /* version of this structure, see below           */
16                 2 entry_control         aligned,            /* these switches control what type of storage    */
17                                                             /* system entries in the subtree are copied/moved */
18                   3 link                bit(1) unal,        /* copy links                                     */
19                   3 seg                 bit(1) unal,        /* copy segments                                  */
20                   3 dir                 bit(1) unal,        /* copy directories                               */
21                   3 msf                 bit(1) unal,        /* copy multisegment_files                        */
22                   3 nnlk                bit(1) unal,        /* copy non_null_links                            */
23                   3 raw                 bit (1) unal,       /* treat all objects as primitive types */
24                   3 pad1                bit(30) unal,       /* mbz                                            */
25                 2 operation_control     aligned,            /* the following switches control appropriate     */
26                                                             /* portions of the subroutines execution          */
27                   3 delete              bit(1) unal,        /* delete the source_dir                          */
28                   3 brief               bit(1) unal,        /* suppresses warning messages                    */
29                   3 force               bit(1) unal,        /* if target dir exists, do anyway without query  */
30                   3 replace             bit(1) unal,        /* delete contents of target_dir (if any)         */
31                   3 update              bit(1) unal,        /* update name dups without query                 */
32                   3 acl                 bit(1) unal,        /* copy acl from source_dir                       */
33                   3 primary             bit(1) unal,        /* copy only primary names                        */
34                   3 link_translation    bit(1) unal,        /* copies links with translation                  */
35                   3 chase               bit(1) unal,        /* copies the target of a link                    */
36                   3 parent_ac_sw        bit(1) unal,        /* if on, use the target parent's access class    */
37                                                             /* for seg or dir created                         */
38                   3 pad2                bit(26) unal;       /* mbz                                            */
40           dcl copy_dir_options_version_0          fixed bin init(0)
41                                         int static options(constant);
43           dcl pcopy_dir_options                   ptr;
45 /*  END OF:         copy_dir_options.incl.pl1  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *    */