1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... computational_data.incl.pl1
 3    12 July 79 JRDavis */
 5 /* this is the format of the structure given to assign_$computational_
 6    that describes the data to be assigned */
 8 dcl 1 computational_data      aligned based,
 9       2 address               ptr aligned,        /* to data  */
10       2 data_type             fixed bin (17),     /* standard descriptor type */
11       2 flags                 aligned,
12         3 packed              bit (1) unal,
13         3 pad                 bit (35) unal,
14       2 prec_or_length        fixed bin (24),     /* string length or arith prec */
15       2 scale                 fixed bin (35),     /* must be zero even if has no scale */
16       2 picture_image_ptr     ptr aligned;        /* to picture image block */
18 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... computational_data.incl.pl1 */