1 2 ;;; BEGIN INCLUDE FILE compiler-badfns.incl.lisp 3 4 ;;; This defines the badfns macro, which expands into a list 5 ;;; of the system functions which are not compiled in line 6 ;;; and (but?) which can have bad side-effects (change special variables) 7 8 ;;; extracted from main code of compiler and made correct 8 May 1973 DAM. 9 10 11 (defun macro badfns (x) (displace x (list 'quote '( 12 *rset ;in case we change this to use a special variable. 13 apply break cline ;you never know 14 close eval includef inpush ioc iog 15 makunbound read readch readstring 16 status sstatus tyi 17 tyipeek ufile uread uwrite ukill 18 )))) 19 20 ;;; END INCLUDE FILE compiler-badfns.incl.lisp 21