10 dcl 1 error_control_table
11 (81) int static options (constant),
12 2 severity fixed bin unal init
13 ((4) 3, 1, (4) 3, 4, (10) 3,
14 (10) 3, (10) 3, (10) 3, (10) 3,
15 (10) 3, (10) 3,
16 3),
17 2 Soutput_stmt
18 bit (1) unal init
19 ((4) (1)"1"b, "0"b, (5) (1)"1"b,
20 (10) (1)"1"b, (10) (1)"1"b,
21 (10) (1)"1"b, (10) (1)"1"b,
22 (10) (1)"1"b, (10) (1)"1"b,
23 (10) (1)"1"b,
24 "1"b),
25 2 message char (66) var init (
26 "The stroke value does not match that of the Font.",
27 "The calculated width value (^a) does not match that supplied (^a)."
28 , "Circular Device definitions. ""^a""",
29 "Comma expected at token ""^a"".",
30 "Comment truncated- it exceeds 8000 characters.",
31 """^a"" already defined as a Device.",
32 "Duplicate Media name. ^a",
33 "Duplicate MediaChars name near token ""^a""",
34 """^a"" has already been defined as a font.",
35 "Premature end of source.",
37 "Family/Bachelor name expected at token ""^a"".",
38 "Footref font not on this Device.",
39 "Initial font not on this Device.",
40 """^a"" is not a defined artwork symbol.",
41 "Invalid Font SELF reference.",
42 "Invalid MediaChar range near token ""^a"".",
43 "Invalid Media range.",
44 "Invalid MediaChar SELF reference at or near token ""^a""."
45 ,
46 "Invalid Multics char specification at token ""^a"".",
48 "Invalid Multics character range near token ""^a"".",
49 "Invalid Units keyword. ""^a""",
50 "Statement unknown or out of place. ""^a""",
51 "Missing family name at token ""^a"".",
52 "Missing font specification at token ""^a"".",
53 "Missing Font section", "Missing Media section",
54 "Missing MediaChars section",
55 "Missing member name at token ""^a"".",
57 "Expected a semicolon at token ""^a"".",
58 "Missing Size section", "Missing View section",
59 "Missing width value at token ""^a"".",
60 "No Device specifications present.",
61 "No devname has been specified.",
62 "No fontname specified at token ""^a"".",
63 "No fonts selected for this Device.",
64 "No family given.",
66 "No init: statement specified.", "No pointsize given.",
67 "Missing name on Def statement at token ""^a"".",
68 "No prior width to copy at token ""^a"".",
69 "Missing Size name at token ""^a"".",
70 "No Size's specified.",
71 "No wordspace values supplied.",
72 "No test-width value supplied.",
73 "No viewselect was given for View ""^a"" in Device ""^a""."
74 ,
76 "View ""^a"" MediaChar ""^a"" has no width specified.",
77 """^a"" is not the name of a MediaChar.",
78 """^a"" is not defined as a font.",
79 """^a"" is not defined as a Def.",
80 """^a"" is not a valid Font name.",
81 """^a"" is not a viewname.",
82 """)="" expected at token ""^a"".",
83 "Statement out of place.",
84 "Syntax error in Cleanup statement at token ""^a"".",
86 "Syntax error in Device statement at token ""^a"".",
87 "Syntax error in Font statement.",
88 "Syntax error in Font section at token ""^a"".",
89 "Syntax error in Footproc statement at token ""^a"".",
90 "Syntax error in Footrefseparator statement at token ""^a""."
91 ,
92 "Syntax error in MediaChars statement at token ""^a"".",
93 "Syntax error in Media section at token ""^a"".",
94 "Syntax error in Outproc statement at token ""^a"".",
95 "Syntax error in Scale statement at token ""^a"".",
97 "Syntax error in Size statement at token ""^a"".",
98 "Syntax error in Wordspace statement at token ""^a"".",
99 "Syntax error in View statement at token ""^a"".",
100 "Syntax error after "":"".",
101 "Syntax error in cleanup statement at token ""^a"".",
102 "Syntax error in dcl statement at token ""^a"".",
103 "Syntax error in family statement at token ""^a"".",
104 "Syntax error in footproc statement at token ""^a"".",
105 "Syntax error in member statement at token ""^a"".",
107 "Syntax error in outproc statement at token ""^a"".",
108 "Syntax error in wordspace statement at token ""^a"".",
109 "Syntax error in use statement at token ""^a"".",
110 "Syntax error in viewselect statement at token ""^a"".",
111 "Too many stroke values given.",
112 "Too many width values given.",
113 "Unbalanced parentheses.",
114 "Duplicate family/bachelor name ""^a""."),
115 2 brief_message
116 char (14) var
117 init ("", "(^a) (^a)", """^a""", """^a""", "",
118 """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", "", """^a""",
119 "", "", """^a""", "", """^a""", "", """^a""", """^a""",
120 """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", "",
121 "", "", """^a""", """^a""", "", "", """^a""", "", "",
122 """^a""", "", "", "", "", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""",
123 "", "", "", """^a"" ""^a""", """^a"" ""^a"".",
124 """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""",
125 """^a""", "", """^a""", """^a""", "", """^a""",
126 """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""",
127 """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", "", """^a""",
128 """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", """^a""",
129 """^a""", """^a""", """^a""", "", "", "", """^a""");
133 dcl (
134 bad_stroke_value init (1),
135 bad_width_value init (2),
136 circular_Device_def init (3),
137 comma_expected init (4),
138 comment_gt_8000 init (5),
139 dup_Device init (6),
140 dup_Media init (7),
141 dup_MediaChars init (8),
142 dup_fontname init (9),
143 end_of_source init (10),
144 fam_bach_name_expected init (11),
145 foot_font_not_on_Device init (12),
146 init_font_not_on_Device init (13),
147 inv_artwork_spec init (14),
148 inv_Font_SELF_ref init (15),
149 inv_MediaChar_range init (16),
150 inv_Media_range init (17),
151 inv_MediaChar_SELF_ref init (18),
152 inv_Mul_char_spec init (19),
153 inv_Multics_char_range init (20),
154 inv_Units_keyword init (21),
155 inv_statement init (22),
156 missing_family_name init (23),
157 missing_font init (24),
158 missing_Font init (25),
159 missing_Media init (26),
160 missing_MediaChars init (27),
161 missing_member_name init (28),
162 missing_semicolon init (29),
163 missing_Size init (30),
164 missing_View init (31),
165 missing_width init (32),
166 no_Device init (33),
167 no_devname init (34),
168 no_fontname init (35),
169 no_fonts_selected init (36),
170 no_init_fam init (37),
171 no_init_font init (38),
172 no_init_ps init (39),
173 no_name_Def init (40),
174 no_prior_width init (41),
175 no_Size_name init (42),
176 no_Sizes init (43),
177 no_wordspace_val init (44),
178 no_test_width init (45),
179 no_viewselect init (46),
180 no_width_specified init (47),
181 not_charname init (48),
182 not_fontname init (49),
183 not_Defname init (50),
184 not_valid_Font_name init (51),
185 not_viewname init (52),
186 paren_equal_expected init (53),
187 stmt_out_of_place init (54),
188 syntax_Cleanup init (55),
189 syntax_Device init (56),
190 syntax_Font init (57),
191 syntax_Font_sec init (58),
192 syntax_Footproc init (59),
193 syntax_Footrefsep init (60),
194 syntax_MediaChars init (61),
195 syntax_Media_sec init (62),
196 syntax_Outproc init (63),
197 syntax_Scale init (64),
198 syntax_Size init (65),
199 syntax_Wordspace init (66),
200 syntax_View init (67),
201 syntax_after_colon init (68),
202 syntax_cleanup init (69),
203 syntax_dcl init (70),
204 syntax_family init (71),
205 syntax_footproc init (72),
206 syntax_member init (73),
207 syntax_outproc init (74),
208 syntax_wordspace init (75),
209 syntax_use init (76),
210 syntax_viewselect init (77),
211 too_many_stroke_values init (78),
212 too_many_widths init (79),
213 unbal_parens init (80),
214 duplicate_font_name init (81)
215 ) fixed bin int static options (constant);