1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE comp_tree.incl.pl1   */
 3 /* format: style2,ind2,ll79,dclind4,idind15,comcol41,linecom */
 5      dcl 1 tree                         /* symbol tree structure */
 6                         based (const.tree_ptr) aligned,
 7          ( 2 align_mode,                /* current text alignment mode */
 8            2 art_mode,                  /* artwork mode */
 9            2 block_index,               /* current block index */
10            2 block_name,                /* name of current block */
11            2 bottom_margin,             /* page bottom margin */
12            2 calling_file_name,         /* caller of inserted file */
13            2 callers_lineno,            /* lineno of .ifi in calling file */
14            2 devclass,                  /* DeviceClass */
15            2 devname,                   /* DeviceName */
16            2 dot_addltr,                /* add letter of dot page */
17            2 equation_mode,             /* equation mode */
18            2 fill_mode,                 /* text filling mode */
19            2 fontname,                  /* fontname function */
20            2 footer_margin,             /* page footer margin function */
21            2 frontpage,                 /* front page flag function */
22            2 head_space,                /* head space function */
23            2 header_margin,             /* page header margin function */
24            2 keep_mode,                 /* block splitting mode */
25            2 left_indent,               /* left margin indention */
26            2 left_undent,               /* left margin adjustment */
27            2 line_input,                /* line input function */
28            2 linesleft,                 /* lines left function */
29            2 linespace,                 /* linespace function */
30            2 measure_bif,               /* measure function */
31            2 next_pageno,               /* next page number */
32            2 pagecount,                 /* total page count function */
33            2 pagelines,                 /* line number on page function */
34            2 page_length,               /* current page length function */
35            2 pageno,                    /* page number function */
36            2 pointsize,                 /* pointsize function */
37            2 right_indent,              /* right margin indention */
38            2 right_undent,              /* right margin adjustment */
39            2 symbol_delimiter,          /* symbol delimiter function */
40            2 text_depth,                /* text depth function */
41            2 text_lineno,               /* input file line number for output_line */
42            2 text_width,                /* text width function */
43            2 title_delimiter,           /* title delimiter function */
44            2 top_margin,                /* page top margin function */
45            2 trans,                     /* translation table for .trf */
46            2 userinput                  /* terminal insert function */
47            )            label,          /**/
48                                         /* VARIABLE TABLES */
49            2 count      fixed bin,      /* variable areas allocated */
50            2 areandx    fixed bin,      /* current area */
51                                         /* entry count per area */
52            2 entry_ct   (MAX_TREE_AREAS) fixed bin,
53            2 entryndx   fixed bin,      /* current entry in area */
54            (                            /* storage area pointers */
55            2 flag_ptr,                  /* flags */
56            2 name_ptr,                  /* names */
57            2 num_ptr,                   /* number values */
58            2 incr_ptr,                  /* counter increments */
59            2 var_ptr                    /* variable structures */
60            )            ptr dimension (MAX_TREE_AREAS);
61                                         /* flag values */
62      dcl tree_flags     (MAX_TREE_AREA_CT) bit (1) aligned
63                         based (tree.flag_ptr (tree.areandx));
64                                         /* counter increment values */
65      dcl tree_incrs     (MAX_TREE_AREA_CT) fixed bin (31)
66                         based (tree.incr_ptr (tree.areandx));
67                                         /* variable names */
68      dcl tree_names_ptr ptr init (null);
69      dcl tree_names     (MAX_TREE_AREA_CT) char (32) unal
70                         based (tree_names_ptr);
71                                         /* numeric values */
72      dcl tree_nums      (MAX_TREE_AREA_CT) fixed bin (31)
73                         based (tree.num_ptr (tree.areandx));
75      dcl tree_var_ptr   ptr init (null);/* variable entry structures */
76      dcl 1 tree_var     (MAX_TREE_AREA_CT) aligned based (tree_var_ptr),
77            2 flags      bit (9) aligned,/* type flags */
78            2 mode       fixed bin,      /* numeric display mode */
79            2 flag_loc   ptr,            /* flag value pointer */
80            2 num_loc    ptr,            /* num value pointer */
81            2 incr_loc   ptr,            /* num increment pointer */
82            2 str_loc    ptr;            /* str value pointer */
84 /* END INCLUDE FILE comp_tree.incl.pl1  */