1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE comp_table.incl.pl1  */
 3 /* format: style2,ind3,ll79,dclind4,idind15,comcol41,linecom */
 5      dcl 1 tbldata      aligned based (shared.tbldata_ptr),
 6            2 ct         fixed bin,      /* number of active table formats */
 7            2 ndx        fixed bin,      /* index of current active format */
 8            2 fmt        (20),           /* the format */
 9              3 name     char (32) var,  /* name of the format */
10              3 ptr      ptr;            /* pointer to the format data */
12      dcl tblfmtndx      fixed bin;      /* current table format index */
13      dcl tblfmtptr      ptr;            /* -> current table format */
14                                         /* table format data */
15      dcl 1 tblfmt       aligned based (tblfmtptr),
16            2 context    bit (1),        /* =1 if context mode */
17            2 ccol       fixed bin,      /* the current table column */
18            2 maxdepth   fixed bin (31), /* max depth in table */
19            2 ncols      fixed bin,      /* number of columns in this format */
20            2 colptr     (0:20) ptr;     /* pointers to the columns */
22      dcl tblcolndx      fixed bin;      /* current table column index */
23                                         /* -> current table column */
24      dcl tblcolptr      ptr init (null ());
25                                         /* table column data */
26      dcl 1 tblcol       aligned based (tblcolptr),
27            2 align,                     /* column alignment mode */
28              3 posn     fixed bin (31),
29              3 str      char (32) var,
30            2 depth      fixed bin (31), /* current depth for column */
31            2 gutter     fixed bin (31),
32            2 leader     char (16) var,  /* leadering string */
33            2 margin,
34              3 left     fixed bin (31),
35              3 right    fixed bin (31),
36            2 valign     bit (4) unal,   /* vertical alignment flags */
37            2 MBZ        bit (29) unal,
38            2 parms                      /* parms for columns */
39                         aligned like default_parms;
41      dcl 1 tblcol0      aligned like tblcol based (tblfmt.colptr (0));
42                                         /* -> previous table column */
43      dcl prvtblcolptr   ptr init (null ());
44      dcl 1 prvtblcol    like tblcol aligned based (prvtblcolptr);
46      dcl vtop           bit (4) static options (constant) init ("1000"b);
47      dcl vcen           bit (4) static options (constant) init ("0100"b);
48      dcl vbot           bit (4) static options (constant) init ("0010"b);
49      dcl vjust          bit (4) static options (constant) init ("0001"b);
51 /*        END INCLUDE FILE comp_table.incl.pl1    */