1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE comp_shared.incl.pl1 */
  3 /* format: style2,ind2,ll79,dclind4,idind15,comcol41,linecom */
  5      dcl shared_version fixed bin (35) static options (constant) init (17);
  7      dcl 1 shared       aligned based (const.shared_ptr),
  8            2 version    fixed bin (35), /* version of this structure */
  9            2 chars,
 10            ( 3 sym_delim,               /* delimiter for symbols */
 11              3 ttl_delim,               /* delimiter for title parts */
 12              3 wrd_brkr                 /* word break character */
 13              )          char (1) unal,
 14              3 PAD      char (1) unal,
 15            2 cbar_type  char (4) var,   /* change bar type */
 16            2 dot_add_letter             /* dot page add letter */
 17                         char (1) var,
 18            2 EN_width   fixed bin (31), /* width of EN in current font */
 19            2 eqn_refct  fixed bin,      /* equation reference counter */
 20            2 footref_fcs                /* footnote ref FCS string */
 21                         char (8) aligned,
 22            2 ftn_reset  char (8) var,   /* footnote reset mode */
 23            2 ftnrefct   fixed bin,      /* footnote ref counter */
 24            2 hyph_size  fixed bin (31), /* least word part size for hyphing */
 25            2 if_nest,                   /* if/then/else logic control */
 26              3 ndx      fixed bin,      /* depth of logic nest */
 27              3 e        (25),           /* nest entries */
 28                                         /* .if control switch */
 29                4 sw     fixed bin,      /* 0=off, 1=(then), -1=(else) */
 30                4 info   aligned like text_entry.info,
 31                4 line   char (256) var, /* the control line */
 32            2 indctl,                    /* indent ctls stack */
 33              3 ndx      fixed bin,      /* current level */
 34                                         /* switch bits */
 35              3 stk      (0:35) bit (1) unal,
 36            2 input_dirname
 37                         char (168) var, /* dir containing current input file */
 38            2 input_filename
 39                         char (200) var, /* current input file name */
 40            2 lead       fixed bin (31), /* current linespacing value */
 41            2 lit_count  fixed bin (35), /* count of literal lines */
 42            2 next_pagenmbr
 43                         char (32) var,  /* next page number / */
 44            2 output_file
 45                         char (32) var,  /* output file identifier */
 46            2 pagecount  fixed bin,      /* number of pages produced */
 47            2 pagenum,                   /* page number structure */
 48              3 index    fixed bin,      /* level currently counting */
 49              (
 50              3 sep      char (1) unal,  /* separator chars */
 51              3 nmbr     fixed bin (31), /* the counters */
 52              3 mode                     /* display modes */
 53                         fixed bin (8) unal
 54              )          dimension (20),
 55            2 parameter  char (254) var, /* command line parameter */
 56            2 param_pres bit (1),        /* passed parameter flag */
 57            2 pass_counter
 58                         fixed bin,      /* pass counter */
 59            2 picture,                   /* picture blocks */
 60              3 count    fixed bin,      /* number of them */
 61              3 space    fixed bin (31), /* total picture space */
 62              3 blk      (10),           /* picture blocks */
 63                4 type   char (4),       /* type = page/col */
 64                4 place  char (4),       /* place = top/cen/bot */
 65                4 ptr    ptr,            /* pointer to block */
 66                4 size   fixed bin (31), /* size of the picture */
 67            2 ptrs,
 68            ( 3 aux_file_data_ptr,       /* -> auxiliary file data */
 69              3 blank_footer_ptr,        /* -> blank page footer */
 70              3 blank_header_ptr,        /* -> blank page header */
 71              3 blank_text_ptr,          /* -> blank page text */
 72              3 blkptr,                  /* -> active text */
 73              3 colptr,                  /* current column */
 74              3 compout_ptr,             /* iocb pointer for output */
 75              3 compx_ptr,               /* iocb pointer for compx file */
 76              3 ctb_ptr,                 /* current line artwork table */
 77              3 epftrptr,                /* even page footer block */
 78              3 ephdrptr,                /* even page header block */
 79              3 fcb_ptr,                 /* input file control block pointer */
 80              3 ftnblk_data_ptr,         /* footnote block data pointer */
 81              3 footnote_header_ptr,     /* footnote header "title" */
 82              3 graphic_page_ptr,        /* graphic output page */
 83              3 hit_data_ptr,            /* hit data pointer */
 84              3 htab_ptr,                /* horizontal tab tables */
 85              3 hwrd_data_ptr,           /* local hyphenation table */
 86              3 insert_ptr,              /* data entry for current input file */
 87              3 opftrptr,                /* odd page footer block */
 88              3 ophdrptr,                /* odd page header block */
 89              3 ptb_ptr,                 /* previous line artwork table */
 90              3 spcl_blkptr,             /* "special" block pointer */
 91              3 tbldata_ptr,             /* table column data structure */
 92              3 tblkdata_ptr,            /* text block data array */
 93              3 text_header_ptr          /* empty text header structure */
 94              )          ptr,
 95            2 scale,                     /* space conversion scale factors */
 96              3 horz     fixed bin (31), /* horizontal */
 97              3 vert     fixed bin (31), /* vertical */
 98            2 source_filename
 99                         char (200) var, /* current source file name */
100            2 sws,                       /* switch bits */
101            ( 3 bug_mode,                /* debug mode */
102              3 compout_not_headed,      /* compout is not headed */
103              3 end_input,               /* EOF for current input file */
104              3 end_output,              /* no more output is wanted */
105              3 firstpass,               /* first pass over input */
106              3 ftn_mode,                /* in footnote mode */
107              3 hyph_mode,               /* hyphenating mode */
108              3 inserting_hfc,           /* inserting hdr, ftr, or cap */
109              3 literal_mode,            /* literal line mode flag */
110              3 pageblock,               /* blocks belong to page */
111              3 picture_mode,            /* building a picture */
112              3 print_flag,              /* producing output */
113              3 purge_ftns,              /* purging footnotes */
114              3 suppress_footref,        /* suppress next footnote ref */
115              3 table_mode               /* table mode */
116              )          bit (1) unal,
117              3 MBZ      bit (21) unal,
118            2 trans,                     /* trans table for .tr */
119              3 in       char (128) var, /* input chars */
120              3 out      char (128) var, /* output chars */
121            2 widow_size fixed bin (31), /* widow size */
122            2 widow_foot fixed bin (31); /* widow for footnotes */
123                                         /* to save shared data between files/passes */
124      dcl 1 save_shared  aligned like shared based (const.save_shared_ptr);
126      dcl dot_addltr_symb_index
127                         fixed bin static options (constant) init (12);
128      dcl max_text_lines fixed bin static options (constant) init (1000);
129      dcl mode_string    char (16) static options (constant)
130                         init ("arbihxocalaurlru");
131                                         /* value overlays */
132      dcl flag_value     bit (1) based;
133      dcl num_value      fixed bin (31) based;
135 /*        END INCLUDE FILE comp_shared.incl.pl1   */