1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE comp_option.incl.pl1           */
 3 dcl option_version  fixed bin (35) static options (constant) init (2);
 5 dcl 1 option        aligned based (const.option_ptr), /* program options */
 6       2 version     fixed bin (35),
 7                                         /* Options with parameters */
 8       (2 argument_opt,                  /* -argument option flag */
 9       2 cbar_opt,                       /* -change_bars option flag */
10       2 cbar_art_opt,                   /* -change_bars_art option flag */
11       2 debug_opt,                      /* -debug option flag */
12       2 db_all_opt,                     /* -debug_all option flag */
13       2 db_file_opt,                    /* -debug_file option flag */
14       2 device_opt,                     /* -device option flag */
15       2 execute_opt,                    /* -execute option flag */
16       2 from_opt,                       /* -from option flag */
17       2 galley_opt,                     /* -galley option flag */
18       2 hyph_opt,                       /* -hyphenation option flag */
19       2 indent_opt,                     /* -indent option flag */
20       2 input_file_opt,                 /* -input_file option flag */
21       2 linespace_opt,                  /* -linespace option flag */
22       2 output_file_opt,                /* -output_file option flag */
23       2 pages_opt,                      /* -pages option flag */
24       2 page_chng_opt,                  /* -pages_changed option flag */
25       2 parameter_opt,                  /* -parameter option flag */
26       2 passes_opt,                     /* -passes option flag */
27       2 tdir_opt,                       /* -temp_dir option flag */
28       2 to_opt,                         /* -to option flag */
29                                         /* Options without parameters */
30       2 annot_opt,                      /* -annotate */
31       2 brief_opt,                      /* -brief option flag */
32       2 check_opt,                      /* -check option flag */
33       2 cws_opt,                        /* -cws option flag */
34       2 db_pause_opt,                   /* -debug_pause option flag */
35       2 noart_opt,                      /* -noart option flag */
36       2 nobell_opt,                     /* -no_bell option flag */
37       2 nofill_opt,                     /* -nofill option flag */
38       2 nohit_opt,                      /* -nohit option flag */
39       2 number_opt,                     /* -number option flag */
40       2 number_append_opt,              /* -number_append option flag */
41       2 number_brief_opt,               /* -number_brief option flag */
42       2 stop_opt,                       /* -stop option flag */
43       2 wait_opt)   unal bit (1),       /* -wait option flag */
44       2 MBZ         bit (2) unal,
45                                         /* Optional parameters */
46       2 arg_count   fixed bin,          /* count of -ag values */
47       2 cbar,                           /* change bar data */
48         3 level     char (1),           /* change level character (ASCII NUL) */
49         3 place     char (1),           /* placement character */
50         3 space     fixed bin (31),     /* extra left margin space needed */
51         3 left,                         /* left margin mark data */
52           4 sep     fixed bin (31),     /* separation */
53           4 width   fixed bin (31),     /* mark width */
54           4 mark    char (80) varying,  /* the left margin mark */
55         3 right,                        /* right margin mark data */
56           4 sep     fixed bin (31),     /* separation */
57           4 width   fixed bin (31),     /* mark width */
58           4 mark    char (80) varying,  /* the right margin mark */
59         3 del,                          /* deletion mark data */
60           4 sep     fixed bin (31),     /* separation */
61           4 width   fixed bin (31),     /* mark width */
62           4 mark    char (80) varying,  /* the deletion mark */
63       2 db_after_line fixed bin (35),   /* source line for enabling insert debug */
64       2 db_before_line fixed bin (35),  /* source line for disabling insert debug */
65       2 db_file     char (200) var,     /* file pathanme for debug */
66       2 db_file_after fixed bin (35),   /* debug file starting line */
67       2 db_line_end fixed bin (35),     /* final line for -debug output */
68       2 db_line_strt fixed bin (35),    /* initial line for -debug output */
69       2 device      char (32) varying,  /* output device */
70       2 extra_indent fixed bin (31),    /* extra indent value */
71       2 hyph_size   fixed bin (31),     /* least word part size for hyphenation */
72       2 line_1      fixed bin (35),     /* initial line for output */
73       2 line_2      fixed bin (35),     /* final line for output */
74       2 linespace   fixed bin (31),     /* line spacing value */
75       2 pglstct     fixed bin (35),     /* number of page list entries */
76       2 pglstndx    fixed bin (35),     /* index for -pages list */
77       2 pglst       (0:49),             /* list of requested pages */
78         3 from      char (32) var,
79         3 to        char (32) var,
80       2 parameter   char (80) varying,  /* parameter <value> from command line */
81       2 passes      fixed bin,          /* passes remaining */
82       2 pgc_select  char (1) aligned;   /* addendum key to control change page printing - init = NUL */
84 /*        END INCLUDE FILE comp_option.incl.pl1   */