1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ..... comp_DCdata.incl.pl1 ..... 11/16/78 J Falksen
  2    Modified: ??/81 - EJW - Addded type_wait
  3    Modified:  4/83 - EJW - Added type_un(strt stop), reorganized file.
  4 */
  6 /* format: style2,ind3,ll79,dclind4,idind15,comcol41,linecom */
  8      dcl DCxx_p         ptr;            /* for qualification of embedded     */
  9                                         /*  control strings                  */
 10                                         /* an embedded control string        */
 11      dcl 1 dcxx         unal based (DCxx_p),
 12            2 mark       char (1) unal,  /* control marker - DC1 (\021)       */
 13            2 ctl,
 14              3 type     bit (3) unal,   /* 000- device/writer control        */
 15                                         /* 001-                              */
 16                                         /* 010- literal data                 */
 17                                         /* 011- family/member/size data      */
 18                                         /* 100- shift                        */
 19                                         /* 101-                              */
 20                                         /* 110- vector                       */
 21                                         /* 111- zero-offset vector           */
 22              3 fill1    bit (1) unal,
 23              3 Xctl     bit (2) unal,   /* 00- no X value present            */
 24                                         /* 01- short X value                 */
 25                                         /* 10- long X value                  */
 26              3 fill2    bit (1) unal,
 27              3 Yctl     bit (2) unal,   /* 00- no Y value present            */
 28                                         /* 01- short Y value present         */
 29                                         /* 10- long Y value present          */
 30            2 leng       fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
 31                                         /* # of remaining bytes  */
 32            2 etc;                       /* the rest of the control bytes */
 33                                         /* device/writer controls */
 34      dcl 1 dcctl        unal based (DCxx_p),
 35            2 mark       char (1) unal,
 36            2 type       char (1) unal,  /* control type */
 37                                         /* leng is always 0 for these */
 38            2 leng       fixed bin (9) unal unsigned;
 39      dcl (
 40          wait_signal    init ("^Q^A^@"),          /* = 021001000 */
 41          unstart_signal init ("^Q^B^@"),          /* = 021002000 */
 42          unstop_signal  init ("^Q^C^@") /* = 021003000 */
 43          )              char (3) static options (constant);
 44                                         /* the "literal" control string      */
 45      dcl 1 dclit        unal based (DCxx_p),
 46            2 mark       char (1) unal,
 47            2 type       char (1) unal,  /* control type */
 48            2 leng       fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
 49                                         /* width in milli-points of literal  */
 50            2 width      fixed bin (31) unal,
 51                                         /* actual literal, max length 509    */
 52            2 data       char (dclit.leng - 4);
 53                                         /* long (31 bits) values */
 54      dcl 1 dclong_val   unal based (DCxx_p),
 55            2 mark       char (1) unal,
 56            2 type       char (1) unal,  /* control type */
 57            2 leng       fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
 58            (
 59            2 v1         fixed bin (31), /* long value                        */
 60            2 v2         fixed bin (31)  /* long value                        */
 61            )            unal;
 62      dcl (
 63          dclong_len     init (8),       /* 2 long values */
 64          dclong1_len    init (4)        /* 1 long value */
 65          )              fixed bin static options (constant);
 66                                         /* short (17 bit) values */
 67      dcl 1 dcshort_val  unal based (DCxx_p),
 68            2 mark       char (1) unal,
 69            2 type       char (1) unal,  /* control type */
 70            2 leng       fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
 71            (
 72            2 v1         fixed bin,      /* short value                       */
 73            2 v2         fixed bin       /* short value                       */
 74            )            unal;
 75      dcl (
 76          dcshort_len    init (4),       /* 2 short values */
 77          dcshort1_len   init (2)        /* 1 short value */
 78          )              fixed bin static options (constant);
 79                                         /* a font change string */
 80      dcl 1 dcfs         unal based (DCxx_p),
 81            2 mark       char (1) unal,  /* font/size data                    */
 82            2 type       char (1) unal,  /* control type */
 83            2 leng       fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
 84                                         /* fnttbldata index */
 85            2 f          fixed bin (9) unal unsigned,
 86                                         /* point size in milli-points        */
 87            2 p          fixed bin (31) unal;
 88      dcl dcfs_len       fixed bin init (5) static options (constant);
 90      dcl (                              /* symbolic definitions of DC types  */
 91          type_wait      init ("^A"),    /* writer wait */
 92          type_unstart   init ("^B"),    /* underscore start */
 93          type_unstop    init ("^C"),    /* underscore stop */
 94          type_lit       init ("<88>"),  /* literal data                      */
 95          type_font      init ("À"),     /* family/member/size data           */
 96                                         /* SHIFTS -                          */
 97          type_sy        init ("^A"),    /* -- no x, short y                  */
 98          type_sly       init ("^B"),    /* -- no x, long y                   */
 99          type_sx        init ("^H"),    /* -- short x, no y                  */
100          type_sxy       init ("         "),       /* -- short x, short y               */
101          type_slx       init ("^P"),    /* -- long x, no y                   */
102          type_slxly     init ("^R"),    /* -- long x, long y                 */
103                                         /* VECTORS                           */
104          type_vy        init ("<81>"),  /* -- no x, short y                  */
105          type_vly       init ("<82>"),  /* -- no x, long y                   */
106          type_vx        init ("<88>"),  /* -- short x, no y                  */
107          type_vxy       init ("<89>"),  /* -- short x, short y               */
108          type_vlx       init ("<90>"),  /* -- long x, no y                   */
109          type_vlxly     init ("<92>"),  /* -- long x, long y                 */
110                                         /* ZERO-OFFSET VECTORS-              */
111          type_v0y       init ("Á"),     /* -- no x, short y                  */
112          type_v0ly      init ("Â"),     /* -- no x, long y                   */
113          type_v0x       init ("È"),     /* -- short x, no y                  */
114          type_v0xy      init ("É"),     /* -- short x, short y               */
115          type_v0lx      init ("Ð"),     /* -- long x, no y                   */
116          type_v0lxly    init ("Ò")      /* -- long x, long y                 */
117          )              char (1) unal int static options (constant);
119 /* END INCLUDE FILE ..... comp_DCdata.incl.pl1 ..... */