1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE:  command_question_info.incl.pl1 */
 3 /*        Last modified: 11/02/78 W. Olin Sibert to change to version 5 and make compatible with query_info */
 4 /* Added explanation_ptr & explanation_len (Version 6) 05/13/81 S. Herbst */
 5 /* switched to condition_info_header June 1981 B. Margulies */
 7 /* This include file depends on condition_info_header.incl.pl1 */
 8 /* It must be included as well */
 9 /* Added interpret_cp_escape, literal_sw, prompt_after_explanation 12/16/82 S. Herbst */
10 /* Changed ("" max_)(question answer)_lth declarations to fixed bin (21) 02/08/84 S. Herbst */
13 dcl 1 command_question_info based (cq_info_ptr) aligned,
14     2 header aligned like condition_info_header,
15     2 query_code fixed bin (35),                            /* extra information supplied by caller */
16     2 switches aligned,                                     /* various bit switches */
17       3 question_sw bit (1) unaligned,                      /* should command_query_ print the question? */
18       3 yes_or_no_sw bit (1) unaligned,                     /* must question be answered yes or no? */
19       3 preset_sw bit (1) unaligned,                        /* is handler supplying a canned answer? */
20       3 answer_sw bit (1) unaligned,                        /* should canned answer be printed? */
21       3 allow_cp_escape bit (1) unaligned,                  /* whether to allow answers to begin with ".." */
22       3 suppress_spacing bit (1) unaligned,                 /* whether to print extra newline and spaces */
23       3 interpret_cp_escape bit (1) unaligned,              /* whether to treat ".." as a cp escape */
24       3 literal_sw bit (1) unaligned,                       /* ON => don't strip whitespace or handle ".." */
25       3 prompt_after_explanation bit (1) unaligned,         /* ON => repeat question after explanation */
26       3 mbz bit (27) unaligned,
27     2 name_ptr pointer,                                     /* ptr to caller's name */
28     2 name_lth fixed bin,                                   /* length of caller's name */
29     2 question_ptr pointer,                                 /* ptr to quetion being asked */
30     2 question_lth fixed bin (21),                          /* lentgh of question */
31     2 max_question_lth fixed bin (21),                      /* max question lth in case handler alters question */
32     2 answer_ptr pointer,                                   /* pointer to space to return answer in */
33     2 answer_lth fixed bin (21),                            /* length of returned answer */
34     2 max_answer_lth fixed bin (21),                        /* max space in answer space */
35     2 question_iocbp ptr,                                   /* IO switch to ask (write) question on */
36     2 answer_iocbp ptr,                                     /* IO switch to read the answer from */
37     2 repeat_time fixed bin (71),                           /* repeat question every N seconds if no answer */
38     2 explanation_ptr ptr,                                  /* ptr to string to print if user answers "?" */
39     2 explanation_len fixed bin (21);                       /* length of explanation string */
40                                                             /* if N < 30 no repeat will occur */
42 dcl  cq_info_ptr pointer;
44 dcl  cq_info_version_7 fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (7);
46 /* END INCLUDE FILE:  command_question_info.incl.pl1 */