 2 /*  BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ...   cobol_seg_init_list.incl.pl1                */
 4 /*  Last modified July 17, 1974 by AEG                         */
 7 declare 1 seg_init_list aligned based(  cobol_$seg_init_list_ptr),
 8           2 n fixed bin aligned,
 9           2 extra fixed bin aligned,
10           2 seg (0 refer(seg_init_list.n)) aligned,
11             3 priority fixed bin aligned,
12             3 int_tag_no fixed bin aligned,
13             3 no_gos fixed bin aligned,
14             3 next_init_no fixed bin aligned,
15             3 init_ptr ptr aligned;
18 /*
19 seg_init_list_ptr is a pointer upon which the structure
20                   seg_init_list is based.  It is declared in
21                     cobol_.incl.pl1
23 n                 is the number of COBOL segments containing
24                   alterable GO's.  All fixed segments are counted
25                   as one segment and assigned segment number 0.
27 extra             available for future use.
29 seg               is an array of seg_init_list.n structures which
30                   contain information about the segments contain-
31                   ing alterable GO's.  seg(1) always conatins
32                   information about fixed segments if there are
33                   any in the procedure.
35 priority          is the COBOL segment number associated with
36                   the "alterable" segment.
38 int_tag_no        is an internal tag number associated with the
39                   first instruction of the code sequence generat-
40                   ed to initialize the alterable GO's in the seg-
41                   ment whose segment number is priority.  For
42                   priority = 0, int_tag_no = 0 since initializa-
43                   tion of alterable GO's in fixed segments is
44                   accomplished by   cobol_prologue_gen.
46 no_gos            is the number of alterable GO's in the segment
47                   whose segment number is priority.
49 next_init_no      is the number of the next alterable GO in the
50                   segment whose segment number is priority for
51                   which initialization data entries are to be
52                   made in an area reserved for that purpose.  The
53                   base of this area is located by init_ptr.
54                   1<^H_next_init_no<^H_no_gos.
56 init_ptr          is a pointer to a block of 3 times no_gos words
57                   reserved for the storage of initialization data
58                   for the alterable GO's in the segment whose
59                   segment number is priority.
62                                                                */
63 /*  END INCLUDE FILE ...   cobol_seg_init_list.incl.pl1                  */