  2 /*
  3 The procedure cobol_perform_gen generates the code necessary to im-
  4 plement the COBOL PERFORM statement.  The general format of the
  5 PERFORM statement is as follows:
  7 Format 1  -
  9   P^H_E^H_R^H_F^H_O^H_R^H_M^H_ procedure-name-1 [{T^H_H^H_R^H_U^H_|T^H_H^H_R^H_O^H_U^H_G^H_H^H_} procedure-name-2]
 11 Format 2  -
 13   P^H_E^H_R^H_F^H_O^H_R^H_M^H_ procedure-name-1 [{T^H_H^H_R^H_U^H_|T^H_H^H_R^H_O^H_U^H_G^H_H^H_} procedure-name-2]
 15           {identifier-10|integer-1} T^H_I^H_M^H_E^H_S^H_
 17 Format 3  -
 19   P^H_E^H_R^H_F^H_O^H_R^H_M^H_ procedure-name-1 [{T^H_H^H_R^H_U^H_|T^H_H^H_R^H_O^H_U^H_G^H_H^H_} procedure-name-2]
 21           U^H_N^H_T^H_I^H_L^H_ condition-1
 23 Format 4  -
 25   P^H_E^H_R^H_F^H_O^H_R^H_M^H_ procedure-name-1 [{T^H_H^H_R^H_U^H_|T^H_H^H_R^H_O^H_U^H_G^H_H^H_} procedure-name-2]
 27           V^H_A^H_R^H_Y^H_I^H_N^H_G^H_ {identifier-1|index-name-1}
 29           F^H_R^H_O^H_M^H_ {identifier-2|index-name-2|literal-1}
 31           B^H_Y^H_ {identifier-3|literal-2} U^H_N^H_T^H_I^H_L^H_ condition-1
 33           [A^H_F^H_T^H_E^H_^H_R^H_ {identifier-4|index-name-3}
 35           F^H_R^H_O^H_M^H_ {identifier-5|index-name-4|literal-3}
 37           B^H_Y^H_ {identifier-6|literal-4} U^H_N^H_T^H_I^H_L^H_ condition-2
 39           [A^H_F^H_T^H_E^H_R^H_ {identifier-7|index-name-5}
 41           F^H_R^H_O^H_M^H_ {identifier-8|index-name-6|literal-5}
 43           B^H_Y^H_ {identifier-9|literal-6} U^H_N^H_T^H_I^H_L^H_ condition-3]]
 46 In all formats, the beginning of the PERFORM range is defined as
 47 the first statement of the procedure named procedure-name-1 or,
 48 in terms of executable code, the first instruction generated to
 49 implement the first statement of procedure-name-1.  Similarly, in
 50 all formats, the end of the PERFORM range is defined as the last
 51 statement of the procedure named procedure-name-2, if the THROUGH
 52 phrase is present, or the last statement of the procedure named
 53 procedure-name-1, if it is not.  In terms of executable code,
 54 this corresponds to the last instruction generated to implement
 55 the last statement of the appropriate procedure. If procedure-
 56 name-1 (or -2) is a paragraph-name, then the last statement in
 57 the PERFORM range is the last statement of the paragraph.  If
 58 procedure-name-1 (or -2) is a section-name, then the last state-
 59 ment in the PERFORM range is the last statement of the last para-
 60 graph of the section.
 61 If, as a consequence of executing a PERFORM statement, a transfer
 62 of control is indicated, the transfer is made to the first in-
 63 struction in the PERFORM range.  This transfer of control occurs
 64 only once for each execution of a PERFORM statement.  A subse-
 65 quent transfer of control following the execution of the last in-
 66 struction in the PERFORM range to the next executable statement
 67 following the PERFORM statement is implied and must be explicitly
 68 implemented.  If, however, control passes to a procedure which
 69 has been named as containing the last statement in a PERFORM
 70 range by means other than a PERFORM statement, then control must
 71 pass through the last statement of the procedure to the next ex-
 72 ecutable statement as if no PERFORM statement mentioned the pro-
 73 cedure.  In this connection, it should be noted that there is no
 74 next executable statement following:
 76   1.  The last statement in a Declarative Section when the para-
 77       graph in which it appears is not being executed under the
 78       control of some other COBOL statement.
 80   2.  The last statement in a program when the paragraph in which
 81       it appears is not being executed under the control of some
 82       other COBOL statement.
 84   3.  The last statement in a size procedure when the procedure
 85       is not being executed under the control of some other COBOL
 86       statement.  (Size procedures and control statements which
 87       execute then are compiler sefined.)
 89 This modifiable program flow is implemented by inserting an al-
 90 terable GO after the last instruction of each PERFORM range de-
 91 fined in the program.  These end-of-perform range alterable GO's
 92 are initialized, upon first entry into the program as part of the
 93 current run-unit, to pass control to the next executable state-
 94 ment except for those cases defined above for which there is no
 95 next executable statement.  For these exceptional cases, the al-
 96 terable GO's are initialized to transfer control to a sequence of
 97 instructions which calls a procedure (signal_) to signal an ap-
 98 propriate error to the user.  The setting of the end-of-perform
 99 range alterable GO's is otherwise controlled by code generated to
100 implement the PERFORM statements.  In programs conforming to the
101 rules of COBOL, the end-of-perform  range alterable GO's are al-
102 ways reset at the completion of the PERFORM statement to pass
103 control to the next executable statement or to an error signal-
104 ling routine, as appropriate, regardless of any modifications
105 that may  have been made to implement the PERFORM statement.  If
106 the rules regarding PERFORM statements are not followed, the al-
107 terable GO's at the end of involved PERFORM ranges may not be
108 properly reset and unspecified alteration of control flow will
109 occur.
110 The instructions necessary for implementing end-of-perform range
111 alterable GO's are generated in-line immediately after the gener-
112 ation of the last instruction of each procedure which is at the
113 end of a PERFORM range (see cobol_paragraph_gen, cobol_section_gen, and
114 cobol_end_gen).  The instructions necessary for initializing the
115 end-of-perform range alterable GO's are generated (by cobol_seginit_
116 gen) after the processing of Minpral5 and the initial value min-
117 pral file.
119 This procedure also generates the code necessary to "perform"
120 size routines used in "addressing" identifiers defined with the
121 occurs depending clause.  The call is made as it would be for a
122 Format 1 PERFORM statement except that the format number in the
123 end_stmt token is set to seven.
125 U^H__^Hs_^Ha_^Hg_^He:^H_
127      declare cobol_perform_gen entry (ptr);
129      call cobol_perform_gen (in_token_ptr);
131                                                                */
134 /*
135 G^H__^He_^Hn_^He_^Hr_^Ha_^Ht_^He_^Hd_C^H__^Ho_^Hd_^He:^H_
137 The code generated to implement the PERFORM statement is a func-
138 tion of format and segment initialization requirements.  Segment
139 initializtion is required when procedure-name-1 is in a segment
140 different from that containing the PERFORM statement and this
141 segment is an independent segment containing explicit alterable
142 GO's (GO statements referenced by ALTER statements).
144 Format 1  -
146   No Intializaation Required
148       eaxn   loc_a_relp,ic    Set alterable GO at end of PNn to
149       sxln   target_a_PNn     return control to inst at loc_a
151       tra    PN1_relp,ic      Transfer to PN1
153 loc_a eaxn   t_relp,ic        Reset alterable GO at end
154       sxln   target_a_PNn     of PNn
156   Initialization Required
158       eaxn   loc_a_relp       Set alterable GO at end of PNn to
159       sxln   target_a_PNn     return control inst at loc_a
161       eaa    PN1_relp,ic      Load addr PN1 in a-reg bits 0-17
162       tra    i_segm_relp,ic   Transfer to init code for seg
163                               containing PN1
165 loc_a eaxn   t_relp,ic        Reset alterable GO at end
166       sxln   target_a_PNn     of PNn
168 Format 2  -
170   No Initialization Required
172     Convert identifier-10 to fixed binary.
173     This code is generated by the move generator if the
174     identifier is long or short binary.  The code generated
175     by the MOVE generator is not shown here.
177     If the identifier is packed or unpacked decimal, then the
178     following code sequence is generated:
180          dtb     (ar),(ar)
181          ndsc9   id_10,l
182          ndsc9   id_10_fb,4
184     If the identifier is overpunch sign data, then it is first
185     converted to an unpacked decimal trailing sign temporary.
186    This temporary is then converted to a binary by generating
187     the same instructions shown above for packed or unpacked
188     decimal.
191       tmoz   loc_b_relp,ic    Tra to inst at loc_b if 0 or neg
193      [The preceding instructions are not generated if integer-1
194       is used instead of identifier-10                          ]
196       stz    count            Store 0 in temp used to count times
197                               performed
199       eaxn   loc_a_relp       Set alterable GO at end of PNn to
200       sxln   target_a_PNn     return control inst at loc_a
202       tra    PN1_relp1,ic     Transfer to PN1
204 loc_a ldq    count            Add one to count of times performed
205       adq    1,dl             and compare to number of times
206       stq    count            specified in PERFORM
207       cmpq   id_10_fb         statement
209      [If integer-1 is used instead of identifier-10, then
210       cmpq   id_10_fb becomes cmpq   integer-1,dl               ]
212       tnz    PN1_relp2,ic     Tra to PN1 if not performed times
213                               required
215       eaxn   t_relp,ic        Reset alterable GO at end
216       sxln   target_a_PNn     of PNn
217 loc_b
219   Initialization Required
222     Convert identifier-10 to fixed binary.
223     This code is generated by the move generator if the
224     identifier is long or short binary.  The code generated
225     by the MOVE generator is not shown here.
227     If the identifier is packed or unpacked decimal, then the
228     following code sequence is generated:
230          dtb     (ar),(ar)
231          ndsc9   id_10,l
232          ndsc9   id_10_fb,4
234     If the identifier is overpunch sign data, then it is first
235     converted to an unpacked decimal trailing sign temporary.
236    This temporary is then converted to a binary by generating
237     the same instructions shown above for packed or unpacked
238     decimal.
239       tmoz   loc_b_relp,ic    Tra to inst at loc_b if 0 or neg
241      [The preceding instructions are not generated if integer-1
242       is used instead of identifier-10                          ]
244       stz    count            Store 0 in temp used to count times
245                               performed
247       eaxn   loc_a_relp       Set alterable GO at end of PNn to
248       sxln   target_a_PNn     return control inst at loc_a
250       eaa    PN1_relp1,ic     Load addr of PN1 in a-reg bits 0-17
252       tra    i_segm_relp,ic   Transfer to init code for seg
253                               containing PN1
255 loc_a ldq    count            Add one to count of times performed
256       adq    1,dl             and compare to number of times
257       stq    count            specified in PERFORM
258       cmpq   id_10_fb         statement
260      [If integer-1 is used instead of identifier-10, then
261       cmpq   id_10_fb becomes cmpq   integer-1,dl               ]
263       tnz    PN1_relp2,ic     Tra to PN1 if not performed times
264                               required
266       eaxn   t_relp,ic        Reset alterable GO at end
267       sxln   target_a_PNn     of PNn
268 loc_b
270 Format 3  -
272   No Initialization Required
274       eaxn   loc_a_relp,ic    Set alterable GO at end of PNn to
275       sxln   target_a_PNn     return control to inst at loc_a
277 loc_a[Instructions generated by cobol_arithop_gen and/or cobol_compare]
278      [_gen to implement condition-1.  Tags created by PD Syntax ]
279      [for "condition true" are equated to loc_b and for "condi- ]
280      [tion false" are equated to PN1.                           ]
282 loc_b eaxn   t_relp,ic        Reset alterable GO at end
283       sxln   target_a_PNn     of PNn
285   Initialization Required
287       stz    count            Store 0 in count to indicate init
288                               required
289       eaxn   loc_a_relp,ic    Set alterable GO at end of PNn to
290       sxln   target_a_PNn     return control to inst at loc_a
292 loc_a[Instructions generated by cobol_arithop_gen and/or cobol_compare]
293      [_gen to implement condition-1.  Tags created by PD Syntax ]
294      [for "condition true" are equated to loc_b and for "condi- ]
295      [tion false" are equated to loc_i.                         ]
297 loc_b eaxn   t_relp,ic        Reset alterable GO at end
298       sxln   target_a_PNn     of PNn
299       tra    loc_d_relp,ic    Transfer to loc_d
300 loc_i ldq    count            Examine count and transfer
301       tnz    PN1_relp1,ic     to PN1 if it is not 0
302       aos    count            Otherwise add 1 to count
303       eaa    PN1_relp2,ic     Load addr of PN1 in a-reg bits 0-17
305       tra    i_segm_relp,ic   Transfer to init code for segment
306                               containing PN1
307 loc_d
309 Format 4  -
311 The sequence of instructions given below is for the most complex
312 form of Format 4.  Code generated for the less complex forms can
313 be deduced from it, however.
315       epbp2  0,ic             Store ptr to base of Text
316       spri2  pr6|M            Segment in pr6|M
317       tra    loc_s_relp,ic    Transfer to inst at loc_s
319 loc_e[Call to cobol_error_ generated by cobol_process_error to     ]
320      [report "BY" identifier equal to zero.                     ]
322       rtcd    pr6|M           Transfer to addr stored in pr6|M
324 loc_s[Instructions generated by cobol_move_gen or cobol_set_gen to    ]
325      [initialize identifier-1 or index-name-1 to identifier-2,  ]
326      [index-name-2, or literal-1; identifier-4 or index-name-3  ]
327      [to identifier-5, index-name-4, or literal-3; and identi-  ]
328      [fier-7 or index-name-5 to identifier-8, index-name-6, or  ]
329      [literal-5.                                                ]
331      {stz    count            Store 0 in count to indicate init
332                               required.                         }
333       eaxn   loc_a_relp,ic    Set alterable GO at end of PNn to
334       sxln   target_a_PNn     return control to inst at loc_a
335       tra    con_1_relp,ic    and transfer to inst at con_1
337 loc_a[Instructions generated by cobol_compare_gen to implement     ]
338      [equivalent COBOL statement "if identifier-9 is not zero   ]
339      [go to inc_3.".  Omitted if literal-6 is specified.        ]
341       stc2   pr6|M            Store addr inc_3 in pr6|M and
342       tra    loc_e_relp,ic    transfer to loc_e.  These inst are
343                               omitted if literal-6 is specified.
345 inc_3[Instructions generated by cobol_add_gen or cobol_set_gen to in- ]
346      [crement identifier-7 or index-name-5 by identifier-9 or   ]
347      [literal-6.                                                ]
349 con_3[Instructions generated by cobol_arithop_gen and/or cobol_compare]
350      [_gen to implement condition-3.  Tags created by PD Syntax ]
351      [for "condition true" are equated to tru_3 and for "condi- ]
352      [tion false" are equated to loc_i if initialization is re- ]
353      [quired and to PN1 if initialization is not required.      ]
355 tru_3[Instructions generated by cobol_move_gen or cobol_set_gen to    ]
356      [initialize identifier-7 or index-name-5 to identifier-8,  ]
357      [index-name-6, or literal-5.                               ]
359      [Instructions generated by cobol_compare_gen to implement     ]
360      [equivalent COBOL statement "if identifier-6 is not zero   ]
361      [go to inc_2.".  Omitted if literal-4 is specified.        ]
363       stc2   pr6|M            Store addr inc_2 in pr6|M and
364       tra    loc_e_relp,ic    transfer to loc_e.  These inst are
365                               omitted if literal-4 is specified.
367 inc_2[Instructions generated by cobol_add_gen or cobol_set_gen to in- ]
368      [crement identifier-4 or index-name-3 by identifier-6 or   ]
369      [literal-4.                                                ]
371 con_2[Instructions generated by cobol_arithop_gen and/or cobol_compare]
372      [_gen to implement condition-2.  Tags created by PD Syntax ]
373      [for "condition true" are equated to tru_2 and for "condi- ]
374      [tion false" are equated to con_3.                         ]
376 tru_2[Instructions generated by cobol_move_gen or cobol_set_gen to    ]
377      [initialize identifier-4 or index-name-3 to identifier-5,  ]
378      [index-name-4, or literal-3.                               ]
380      [Instructions generated by cobol_compare_gen to implement     ]
381      [equivalent COBOL statement "if identifier-3 is not zero   ]
382      [go to inc_1.".  Omitted if literal-2 is specified.        ]
384       stc1   pr6|M            Store addr inc_1 in pr6|M and
385       tra    loc_e_relp,ic    transfer to loc_e.  These inst are
386                               omitted if literal-2 is specified.
388 inc_1[Instructions generated by cobol_add_gen or cobol_set_gen to in- ]
389      [crement identifier-1 or index-name-1 by identifier-3 or   ]
390      [literal-2.                                                ]
392 con_1[Instructions generated by cobol_arithop_gen and/or cobol_compare]
393      [_gen to implement condition-1.  Tags created by PD Syntax ]
394      [for "condition true" are equated to tru_1 and for "condi- ]
395      [tion false" are equated to con_2.                         ]
397 tru_1 eaxn t_relp,ic          Reset alterable GO at end
398       sxln   target_a_PNn     of PNn
399      {tra    loc_n_relp,ic    Transfer to loc_n
400 loc_i ldq    count            Examine count and transfer
401       tnz    PN1_relp1,ic     to PN1 if it is not 0
402       aos    count            Otherwise add 1 to count
403       eaa    PN1_relp2,ic     Load addr of PN1 in a-reg bits 0-17
405       tra    i_segm_relp,ic   Transfer to init code for segment
406                               containing PN1                    }
407 loc_n
409 Instructions in {} are included only if segment initialization is
410 required.
412 In initializing the "varying" or "after" identifiers to their
413 current "from" values, cobol_move_gen is employed only if the ident-
414 ifier is a numeric data item and the "from" operand is not an
415 index-name.  In all other cases, cobol_set_gen is employed.  To in-
416 crement the "varying" or "after" identifiers, cobol_add_gen is em-
417 ployed  if the identifier is a numeric data item and cobol_set_gen
418 is employed if it is an index-name.
421 where:
422 PNn          is procedure-name-n for n = 1 or 2.
424 target-a-PNn is a 36-bit variable allocated in the program's
425              COBOL data segment.  It is uniquely associated with
426              procedure-name-n (n = 1 or 2).
428 PN1_relp     is the offset, relative to the instruction in which
429 PN1_relp1    the symbol is used, of the first instruction gener-
430 PN1_relp2    ated to implement procedure-name-1.
432 t_relp       is the offset, relative to the instruction in which
433              it appears, of an instruction defined by a tag uni-
434              quely associated with target_a_PNn.  (Usually, this
435              is the instruction immediately following the end-of-
436              perform range alterable GO at the end of procedure-
437              name-1.)
439 id_10        is identifier-10.
441 id_10_fb     designates a location in the COBOL data segment
442              where id_10 is stored as a fixed bin quantity.
444 count        designates a location in the COBOL data segment
445              where a count is kept of the number of times that
446              the procedures in the PERFORM range have been per-
447              formed for Format 2 statements.  For Formats 3 and
448              4 when segment initialization is required, count = 0
449              indicates that the initial transfer of control has
450              not yet been made and count = 1, that it has.
452 loc_x_relp   is the offset, relative to the instruction in which
453              it appears, of the instruction whose address is
454              loc_x for x = a, b, c, .....
456 con_n_relp   is the offset, relative to the instruction in which
457              it appears, of the instruction whose address is
458              con_n for n = 1, 2, or 3.
460 i_segm_relp  is the offset, relative to the instruction in which
461              it appears, of the first instruction of the code
462              generated to initialize segm (the segment contain-
463              ing procedure PN1).
465 M            is the word offset of a word in the stack in which
466              the return address is stored prior to calling
467              cobol_error_ in Format 4 statements.
470 D^H__^Hi_^Hs_^Hc_^Hu_^Hs_^Hs_^Hi_^Ho_^Hn:^H_
472 The number and nature of the tokens pointed to by the array
473 in_token.token_ptr depends upon the format of the PERFORM state-
474 ment which they describe.  The following list indicates what may
475 be expected for each format:
477 Format 1  -  tokens for
478      PERFORM PN1 PN2 EOS
480 Format 2  -  tokens for
483 Format 3  -  tokens for
484      PERFORM PN1 PN2 condition EOS
486 Format 4  -  tokens for
487      PERFORM PN1 PN2 ID1 ID2 ID3 condition [AFTER ID4 ID5 ID6
488      condition AFTER ID7 ID8 ID9 condition] EOS
490 Where the tokens for  ---
491   PERFORM and AFTER are type-1 Reserved Word.
492   PN1 and PN2 are type-18 Procedure Reference.   PN2 equals PN1 if
493     no THROUGH phrase is present in the original statement.
494   condition comprises a sequence of tokens representing the condi-
495     tional expression or expressions that are present in Formats 3
496     and 4.  These tokens may be of the following types:
497       9 Data Definition
498      1 Reserved word (for FIGURATIVE CONSTANT ZERO)
499       2 Numeric Literal
500       3 Alphanumeric Literal
501      10 Index-Name
502      31 Tag Equivalence
503      30 Internal Tag Definition
504      19 EOS with 13 (branch) or 28 (arithmetic operator) in the
505         verb field
506   ID is a type-9 Data Definition or a type-2 Numeric Literal.
507   ID1, ID4, and ID7 may individually be either a type-9 Data Defini-
508     tion or a type-10 Index-Name.
509   ID2, ID5, and ID8 may individually be a type-9 Data Defintion, a
510     type-10 Index-Name, or a type-2 Numeric Literal,
511     or a type-1 token for the reserved word ZERO.
512   ID3, ID6, and ID9 may individually be either a type-9 Data Defini-
513     tion or a type-2 Numeric Literal.
514   EOS represents a type-19 token.
515 D^H__^Ha_^Ht_^Ha:^H_
518           Items in cobol_$incl.pl1 used (u) and/or set (s) by
519           cobol_perform_gen:
521                cobol_ptr (u)
522                next_tag (u/s)
523                perform_list_ptr (u)
524                priority_no (u)
525                seg_init_list_ptr (u)
526                temp_token_ptr (u/s)
527                text_wd_off (u)
529                                                                */