1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ...     cobol_lexeme_env.incl.pl1 */
  3 /* entry declarations for cobol_lexeme */
  5                     declare cobol_lexeme$open entry (ptr);
  6                     declare cobol_lexeme$close entry(ptr);
  7                     declare cobol_lexeme$set entry(ptr,char(*),ptr);
  8                     declare cobol_lexeme$find_copy entry(ptr);
  9                     declare cobol_lexeme$find_replace entry(ptr);
 10                     declare cobol_lexeme$find_pseudo_text entry(ptr);
 11                     declare cobol_lexeme$text_word entry(ptr);
 12                     declare cobol_lexeme$token entry(ptr);
 13                     declare cobol_lexeme$cobol_lexeme entry(ptr);
 15           dcl
 17           1         lexeme_env based(lexeme_ptr),
 18           2          token,
 19           3           line              fixed bin,
 20           3           column            fixed bin,
 21           3           type              fixed bin,
 22           3           offset            fixed bin(35),
 23           3           span              fixed bin,
 24           3           string_size       fixed bin(35),
 25           3           string_cap        fixed bin,
 26           3           string_ptr        ptr,
 27           3           string            char(32) varying,
 28           3           col_7             char(1),
 29           2          source_table,
 30           3           line              fixed bin,
 31           3           loc               ptr,
 32           3           offset            fixed bin(35),
 33           3           size              fixed bin(24),
 34           2          current_line,
 35           3           loc               ptr,
 36           3           column            fixed bin,
 37           3           size              fixed bin,
 38           3           length            fixed bin,
 39           3           offset            fixed bin(35),
 40           2          next_line,
 41           3           loc               ptr,
 42           3           column            fixed bin,
 43           3           size              fixed bin,
 44           3           length            fixed bin,
 45           3           offset            fixed bin(35),
 46           2          alloc,
 47           3           parity            fixed bin,
 48           3           ptr1              ptr,
 49           3           ptr2              ptr,
 50           3           cap1              fixed bin,
 51           3           cap2              fixed bin,
 52           2          error              fixed bin,
 53           2          pseudo_text        fixed bin,
 54           2          indicators,
 55           3           copy_replace      bit(1),
 56           3           lc                bit(1),
 57           3           filler            bit(7),
 58           2          environment,
 59           3           ecs_ptr           ptr,
 60           3           mem_tab_ptr       ptr,
 61           3           x_ptr             ptr;
 63 /*
 64                     token
 66           line                line on which lexeme begins
 67           column              column in which lexeme begins
 68           type                lexeme type
 69                                1: space token
 70                                2: literal
 71                                3: word
 72                                4: separator
 73                                5: comment entry
 74                                6: pseudo-text
 75           offset              postiion of lexeme in source file
 76           span                size of lexeme in source file
 77           string_size         size (characters) of lexeme
 78                               only if type =  2, 3, 4
 79           string_cap          maximum size for lexeme string
 80           string_ptr          pointer to lexeme string
 81           string              the string of characters comprising the lexeme,
 82                               valid only string_size <= 32 & (type = 3 | type = 4)
 83           col_7               contents of column 7
 85                     source_table
 87           line                current line number
 88           loc                 pointer to source table
 89           offset              position of next line
 90           size                size of table
 92                     current_line
 93                     next_line
 95           loc                 pointer to line
 96                               null() if no line
 97           column              current column number
 98           size                size of reduced line
 99                               terminal blanks and LF not counted
100                               1,...,7 if blank line
101           length              actual size of line
102                               normally ends in LF
103                               0 if EOF
104           offset              offset of line in source file
106                     alloc
108           parity              0 or 1
109           ptr1                location of table 1
110           ptr2                location of table 2
111           cap1                capacity of table 1
112           cap2                capacity of table 2
114           error               error status
115                                0  no error
116                                1  end of token stream
117                                2  set: data not in expected format
119           pseudo_text         status for pseudo_text parsing
121                     indicators
123           copy_replace        "1"b if copy/replace statement being parsed
124           lc                  "0"b if no conversion to lower case desired
125 */
127 /* END INCLUDE FILE ...   cobol_lexeme_env.incl.pl1 */