 2 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ...   cobol_IVAL.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* last modified July 5, 1974 by GM */
 5 dcl       (dn_ptr,
 6           valueptr,
 7           pareaptr,
 8           tempptr,
 9           signptr,
10           workptr,
11           d_ptr,
12           hg_ptr,
13           hg_ptr1,
14           hg_ptr2 )           ptr,
15           (hg_field1,
16           hg_field2,
17           hg_field3,
18           m,
19           n,
20           i,
21           hg_field4 )                   fixed bin(35) static,
22           temp1               char (54) based ( tempptr),
23           VC_5                fixed bin static initial (5),
24           VC_1                fixed bin static initial (1),
25           bits_per_byte       fixed bin static initial (9),
27           signchar bit (8) based (signptr),       /* used by "numinitrtn to substr sign bits intos
28                                            numeric values */
29           lit_char bit (bits_per_byte ) based (workptr),
30           initchar bit (bits_per_byte) based (d_ptr),
31           dn (500)            char (1) based (dn_ptr),
32           figcon (7)          char (1) static initial ("0", " ", "H", "0", "H", "0", """"),
33           hg_field5 char (4) based (hg_ptr1),
34           comp3init char (16),
35                                                   /* figcon data table */
36           /* used by NTrtn for finding the data extensions */
37           1 parea ,
38             2 res             bit(8),
39             2 reladdinseg     bit(24),
40             2 numrep          fixed bin(15),
41             2 lnval           fixed bin(15),
42             2 value           char(256),
43           1 temp static,                /* work area for alligning initial values */
44             2 zeros char (18) initial ((18) "0"), /* must remain zeros, used as zero fill
45                                                                for numeric literals */
46             2 work char (36) initial ((36) "0" ); /* work area for alligning initial values */
47 /* END INCLUDE FILE ...   cobol_IVAL.incl.pl1 */