1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... cmcs_system_ctl.incl.pl1 */
 3 /*
 4    This COBOL MCS include file holds all the COBOL MCS system-wide parameters.
 5 */
 7 /* Bob May, 5/31/77 */
 9 dcl (system_ctl_hdr_len init (32),
10      system_ctl_entry_len init (0),
11      system_ctl_version init (1)) fixed bin internal static options (constant);
13 dcl  system_ctl_ptr ptr int static;
15 dcl 1 system_ctl aligned based (system_ctl_ptr),
16     2 hdr like control_hdr,
17     2 flags,
18      (3 mp_started_sw bit (1),
19       3 filler bit (35)) unaligned,
20     2 mp_started_count fixed bin,                           /* zero for this version */
21     2 mp_active_count fixed bin,                            /* number that have logged in so far, less the logouts */
22     2 password char (10),                                   /* scrambled password for all cmcs functions */
23     2 lock_wait_time fixed bin,                             /* number of seconds to wait before giving up */
24     2 filler (25) fixed bin (35);
26 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... cmcs_system_ctl.incl.pl1 */