1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE... cmcs_msg_hdr.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* This include file defines the structure of the msg header for COBOL MCS messages.
 4    Both msg_hdr/msg_seg and msg_seg only records have their msg_no and seg_no
 5    in the first two words of the record. The seg_no in msg_hdr/msg_seg records will always
 6    be 1; the seg_no in msg_seg records will always be greater than 1. */
 8 /* Bob May, 5/31/77 */
10 dcl (msg_hdr_len init (26),                                 /* 24, plus fudges for alignment */
11      msg_hdr_version init (1)) fixed bin int static options (constant);
13 dcl  msg_hdr_ptr ptr;
15 dcl 1 msg_hdr aligned based (msg_hdr_ptr),
16     2 msg_no fixed bin (35),                                /* same as in key */
17     2 seg_no fixed bin (35),                                /* always 1, to indicate msg_hdr */
18     2 lockword bit (36) aligned,                            /* current owner */
19     2 version fixed bin,
20     2 source_station char (12),                             /* who created this msg */
21     2 source_group_id char (32),                            /* User_id of msg source */
22     2 final_delim fixed bin,                                /* 0 illegal, 1-3 legal */
23     2 clock_available fixed bin (71),                       /* when msg is available for processing */
24     2 clock_deleted fixed bin (71),                         /* processing completed */
25     2 seg_count fixed bin,                                  /* total number of (msg) segments for this msg */
26     2 msg_len fixed bin (35),                               /* sum of all segments, in chars */
27     2 status_info,
28       3 msg_status fixed bin,                               /* 0 undefined, 1-4 legal */
29                                                             /* 1 - send incomplete */
30                                                             /* 2 - send complete (available for processing) */
31                                                             /* 3 - receive incomplete (in process) */
32                                                             /* 4 - receive complete */
33       3 descrs,
34         4 f_descr like vfile_descr,
35         4 b_descr like vfile_descr,
36     2 msg_seg like msg_seg;                                 /* for seg 1, where msg hdr and seg are together */
38 /* END INCLUDE FILE... cmcs_msg_hdr.incl.pl1 */