1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... channel_summary.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* Include file describing structure filled in by mpx_summary and subchan_summary
 4    entries of multiplexer-specific metering subroutines for use by comm_channel_meters -summary
 5 */
 7 /* Created April 1981 by Robert Coren */
 9 dcl  summary_ptr ptr;
10 dcl  CHANNEL_SUMMARY_VERSION_1 fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (1);
12 dcl 1 channel_summary based (summary_ptr) aligned,
13     2 version fixed bin,
14     2 baud_rate fixed bin,
15     2 time_since_dial fixed bin (71),
16     2 flags,
17       3 invalid_input bit (1) unal,
18       3 output_re_xmit bit (1) unal,
19       3 timeout bit (1) unal,
20       3 pre_exhaust bit (1) unal,
21       3 exhaust bit (1) unal,
22       3 xte bit (1) unal,
23       3 bell_quit bit (1) unal,
24       3 echo_overflow bit (1) unal,
25       3 parity bit (1) unal,
26       3 ssqo bit (1) unal,
27       3 hsqo bit (1) unal,
28       3 alloc_failure bit (1) unal,
29       3 synchronous bit (1) unal,
30       3 breakall bit (1) unal,
31       3 echoplex bit (1) unal,
32       3 padb bit (21) unal,
33     2 error_count fixed bin,
34     2 user_process bit (36);
36 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... channel_summary.incl.pl1 */