1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... card_stream_info.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* This is the info structure passed to read_cards_ which defines the data streams
 4    used to interpret user card decks according to the Multics card input facility. */
 6 dcl  stream_info_ptr ptr;
 8 dcl 1 card_stream_info aligned based (stream_info_ptr),
 9     2 control_stream char (32),                             /* stream used for control card reading */
10     2 n_streams fixed bin,                                  /* number of data streams active in the list */
11     2 data_streams (5),                                     /* array of streams for different card formats */
12       3 format char (12),                                   /* name of the stream format (e.g. mcc, raw) */
13       3 name char (32),                                     /* name of the stream as attached */
14       3 el_size fixed bin;                                  /* element size for the stream */
16 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... card_stream_info.incl.pl1 */