 2 /* Begin include file ...... card_sdb.incl.pl1 */
 4 dcl  sdb_ptr ptr;                                           /* pointer to stream data block */
 6 dcl 1 SDB aligned based (sdb_ptr),
 7     2 outer_module_name char (32),
 8     2 attachment_list_ptr ptr,                              /* ptr to list of stream names to which this SDB is attached */
 9     2 stream_name,
10       3 next_stream_ptr ptr,                                /* always null, single attachments only */
11       3 name_size fixed bin (17),                           /* length of stream name */
12       3 stream char (32),                                   /* the stream to which this SDB is attached */
13     2 areaptr ptr,                                          /* pointer to allocation area for SDB */
14     2 modes bit (36);                                       /* mode bits */
16 /* End of include file ...... card_sdb.incl.pl1 */