1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... bk_ss_.incl.pl1 */
  5   1) change(1987-03-03,GWMay), approve(1987-03-03,MCR7627),
  6      audit(1987-03-13,Farley), install(1987-03-30,MR12.1-1018):
  7      added a writing_map switch to indicate when the dump map is being written.
  8   2) change(2018-08-21,Swenson), approve(2018-08-21,MCR10048),
  9      audit(2018-08-22,GDixon), install(2018-08-27,MR12.6g-0015):
 10      Added support for volume pools to hierarchy backup commands.
 11                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 14 /* Modified: July 1982 by G. Palter to add data for true AIM support in IMFT */
 15 /* Modified: August 1983 by Robert Coren to add minimum access class */
 16 /* Modified: November 1983 by Robert Coren to add "upgrade_to_user_auth" flag */
 18 /* Hierarchy dumper/reloader static data */
 20 dcl (bk_ss_$allow_dir_overwrite bit (1) aligned,            /* ON => allow reloaded seg to overwrite dir */
 21      bk_ss_$areap pointer,                                  /* pointer to list dir area */
 22      bk_ss_$brief_mapsw bit (1) aligned,                    /* no form-feed for each control file entry */
 23      bk_ss_$caller_handles_conditions bit (1) aligned,      /* ON => caller has an any_other handler (for IMFT Daemon) */
 24      bk_ss_$control_name char(168),                         /* control file path for dumping */
 25      bk_ss_$control_ptr pointer,                            /* Ptr to control structure for sub entries */
 26      bk_ss_$cross_retrievesw bit (1) aligned,               /* ON => cross-retrieving this entry */
 27      bk_ss_$data_iocb pointer,                              /* IOCB for dumping/reloading if bk_ss_$preattached */
 28      bk_ss_$date fixed binary (52),                         /* dump all modified since this date */
 29      bk_ss_$datesw bit (1) aligned,                         /* Flags presence of a date input */
 30      bk_ss_$debugsw bit (1) aligned,                        /* Flag to prevent calls to hphcs_ */
 31      bk_ss_$dir_trim bit (1) aligned,                       /* Flag to allow deletion of directories */
 32      bk_ss_$dprint_destination char (24),                   /* for start_dump and reload, -ds for dprinting maps */
 33      bk_ss_$dprint_destination_setsw bit (1) aligned,
 34      bk_ss_$dprint_heading char (64),                       /* for start_dump and reload, -he for dprinting maps */
 35      bk_ss_$dprint_heading_setsw bit (1) aligned,
 36      bk_ss_$dprint_queue fixed bin,                         /* Queue number for dprinting maps and error files */
 37      bk_ss_$dprint_request_type char (24),                  /* for start_dump and reload, -rqt for dprinting maps */
 38      bk_ss_$dprint_request_type_setsw bit (1) aligned,
 39      bk_ss_$dprintsw bit (1) aligned,                       /* Whether to dprint maps for start_dump and reload */
 40      bk_ss_$dtdsw bit (1) aligned,                          /* Flag to check if modified since last dumped */
 41      bk_ss_$ename char(32) aligned,                         /* Branch entry to dump */
 42      bk_ss_$err_label label,                                /* Place to go to attempt error recovery */
 43      bk_ss_$err_onlinesw bit(1) aligned,                    /* Flag error output to be online, default to a file */
 44      bk_ss_$error fixed binary,                             /* Code for location from which signal expected */
 45      bk_ss_$holdsw bit(1) aligned,                          /* controls dismounting of tape for dumper */
 46      bk_ss_$hp pointer,                                     /* Pointer to preamble header */
 47      bk_ss_$ignore_dates bit (1) aligned,                   /* Flag to skip check if have older info on tape */
 48      bk_ss_$mapsw bit (1) aligned,                          /* Flag map output */
 49      bk_ss_$myname char(16),                                /* Name by which backup was called */
 50      bk_ss_$namesw bit (1) aligned,                         /* Flag to dump named branch only */
 51      bk_ss_$no_contin bit (1) aligned,                      /* Flag to end dump after catchup dump. */
 52      bk_ss_$no_output bit (1) aligned,                      /* Flag test run or dbugging dumper.  No tape output.*/
 53      bk_ss_$no_primary bit (1) aligned,                     /* Flag saying do not use primary pathnames */
 54      bk_ss_$no_reload bit (1) aligned,                      /* Flag debuging reloader.  Do not write in hierarchy. */
 55      bk_ss_$no_setlvid bit (1) aligned,                     /* Flag to surpress setting of sons lvid on reload */
 56      bk_ss_$ntapes fixed bin,                               /* number of tape copies for dumper */
 57      bk_ss_$onlysw bit (1) aligned,                         /* ON => disable hiearchy sweep (dumping) or stop when all
 58                                                                requests satisfied (loading) */
 59      bk_ss_$operator char(32),                              /* operator name */
 60      bk_ss_$path_index fixed bin,                           /* index of entry in backup_control structure */
 61      bk_ss_$pathsw bit(1) aligned,                          /* starting directory path given to dumper */
 62      bk_ss_$preattached bit(1) aligned,                     /* ON => caller has setup I/O switch for dumping/reloading */
 63      bk_ss_$pvsw  bit(1) aligned,                           /* Flag to enable physical volume recovery */
 64      bk_ss_$pvname char(32) aligned,                        /* Physical volume name */
 65      bk_ss_$qchecksw bit(1) aligned,                        /* Flag to prevent suspension of quota checking */
 66      bk_ss_$quotasw bit(1) aligned,                         /* Flag to allow quota setting */
 67      bk_ss_$restart_dumpsw bit(1) aligned,                  /* restarting complete or catchup from given point */
 68      bk_ss_$restart_path char(168) aligned,                 /* where to restart complete or catchup dump */
 69      bk_ss_$restart_plen fixed bin,                         /* length of restart pathname */
 70      bk_ss_$retrieval_index fixed bin,                      /* Index of entry in bk_retrieve's structure */
 71      bk_ss_$retrievesw bit (1) aligned,                     /* Flags retrieval */
 72      bk_ss_$rlen fixed bin,                                 /* Length if current restart dir for recursion */
 73      bk_ss_$rname char(168),                                /* retrieval file name */
 74      bk_ss_$rsize fixed bin,                                /* length of retrieval file name */
 75      bk_ss_$save_path char(168),                            /* starting directory for dump */
 76      bk_ss_$save_plen fixed bin,                            /* length of starting directory name */
 77      bk_ss_$save_time fixed bin(52),                        /* date, time of start of dump */
 78      bk_ss_$segptr pointer,
 79      bk_ss_$set_dtd bit (1) aligned,                        /* ON to always set dtd when dumping, OFF never */
 80      bk_ss_$set_dtd_explicit bit (1) aligned,               /* ON to follow bk_ss_$set_dtd, OFF usual algorithm */
 81      bk_ss_$sp pointer,
 82      bk_ss_$sub_entry bit(1) aligned,                       /* ON for backup_dump_ and backup_load_ */
 83      bk_ss_$sub_entry_errfile bit(1) aligned,               /* ON => backup_dump_ and backup_load_ should create error files */
 84      bk_ss_$tapesw bit(1) aligned,                          /* Flag to indicate tape output */
 85      bk_ss_$trimsw bit(1) aligned,                          /* Flag to trim directories on reload */
 86      bk_ss_$volume_set_name char (32),                      /* For future arg -volume_set_name */
 87      bk_ss_$wakeup_interval fixed bin(52),                  /* interval between wakeups of dumper in micro secs. */
 88      bk_ss_$wasnt_known bit(1) aligned,                     /* Flag for segment termination */
 89      bk_ss_$enforce_max_access_class bit (1) aligned,       /* ON => don't dump anything above give access class */
 90      bk_ss_$maximum_access_class bit (72) aligned,          /* the access class to enforce on all branches */
 91      bk_ss_$enforce_min_access_class bit (1) aligned,       /* ON => don't dump anything below give access class */
 92      bk_ss_$minimum_access_class bit (72) aligned,          /* the minimum access class to enforce on all branches */
 93      bk_ss_$dont_dump_upgraded_dirs bit (1) aligned,        /* ON => don't dump any directory above given access class */
 94      bk_ss_$maximum_dir_access_class bit (72) aligned,      /* the access class to enforce on directories */
 95      bk_ss_$check_effective_access bit (1) aligned,         /* ON => don't dump branches given user can't access */
 96      bk_ss_$upgrade_to_user_auth bit (1) aligned,           /* ON => set access class of branch being dumped to user's authorization */
 97      bk_ss_$user_id character (32) unaligned,               /* the user's Person.Project.tag */
 98      bk_ss_$user_authorization bit (72) aligned,            /* the user's process authorization */
 99      bk_ss_$user_ring fixed binary,                         /* the user's ring of execution */
100      bk_ss_$restore_access_class bit (1) aligned,           /* ON => restore access class even when debugging */
101      bk_ss_$enforce_minimum_ring bit (1) aligned,           /* ON => don't give anything lower ring bracket */
102      bk_ss_$minimum_ring fixed binary,                      /* the minimum ring bracket to be used */
103      bk_ss_$translate_access_class bit (1) aligned,         /* ON => translate access classes read from tape */
104      bk_ss_$source_attributes_ptr pointer,                  /* -> source system's AIM attributes */
105      bk_ss_$target_attributes_ptr pointer,                  /* -> target system's AIM attributes */
106      bk_ss_$writing_map bit (1) aligned,                    /* ON => in backup_map$try_write */
107      bk_ss_$volume_pool_ptr pointer                         /* -> volume pool; if null, prompt for tapes */
108    ) external static;
110 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... bk_ss_.incl.pl1 */