1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... backup_volume_log.incl.pl1 ... Feb 1976 */ 2 3 4 /****^ HISTORY COMMENTS: 5 1) change(88-03-03,GWMay), approve(89-10-03,MCR8135), 6 audit(89-10-04,Beattie), install(89-10-10,MR12.3-1089): 7 Added values for storing the number of incremental and consolidated dump 8 sets to retain in the volume log. Incremented version number to 3. 9 END HISTORY COMMENTS */ 10 11 12 /* Modified: 3/7/84 by GA Texada to change to version 2 */ 13 dcl bvlp ptr; 14 dcl bvlep ptr; 15 16 dcl backup_volume_log_version_1 fixed bin static init (1) options (constant); 17 dcl backup_volume_log_version_2 fixed bin init(2) int static options(constant); 18 dcl backup_volume_log_version_3 fixed bin init(3) int static options(constant); 19 20 dcl 1 backup_volume_log based (bvlp) aligned, 21 2 header like backup_volume_header aligned, 22 2 info like backup_pvol_info aligned, 23 2 version fixed bin, /* version number */ 24 2 lock bit (36), /* shared data base */ 25 2 pvname char (32), /* physical volume name */ 26 2 pvid bit (36), /* physical volume id */ 27 2 next fixed bin, /* next available dump record */ 28 2 reload_groups fixed bin, /* number of reload groups in log */ 29 2 purge_control (3), /* control selective purging by dump type */ 30 3 group (36) bit (1) unaligned, /* up to 36 reload groups */ 31 2 disk_type fixed bin unal, /* type of disk drive */ 32 2 half_word_pad bit(18) unal, /* MBZ */ 33 2 rpv_pvid bit(36), /* pvid of this volumes RPV */ 34 2 Nsaved_incr_sets fixed bin, /* number of incr cycles to retain */ 35 2 Nsaved_cons_sets fixed bin, /* number of incr cycles to retain */ 36 2 pad (31) bit (36), /* for future expansion (MBZ) */ 37 2 array (1:1 refer (backup_volume_log.next)) like bvle aligned; 38 39 dcl 1 bvle based (bvlep) aligned, 40 2 cycle_uid bit (36), /* uid of this dump cycle */ 41 2 dump_type fixed bin, /* type of dump */ 42 2 volname char (32), /* name of output volume */ 43 2 open_time fixed bin (71), /* opening time of dump pass on this physical volume */ 44 2 close_time fixed bin (71), /* ending time of dump pass */ 45 2 volid bit (36), /* uid of output volume */ 46 2 io_module char (32), /* outer module name that wrote this volume */ 47 2 flags, /* flags */ 48 3 purge_scan_logged bit (1) unaligned, /* if on object looged during purge scan */ 49 3 pad1 bit (35) unaligned, 50 2 pad (7) bit (36), /* for future expansion */ 51 (2 dir_num fixed bin, /* number of dirs dumped on this pass */ 52 2 dir_rec fixed bin, /* number of records of dirs */ 53 2 seg_num fixed bin, /* number of segs dumped on this pass */ 54 2 seg_rec fixed bin) unaligned; /* number of records of segs */ 55 56 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... backup_volume_log */