1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... backup_info.incl.pl1 ... June 1976 */
 3 dcl  infop ptr;                                             /* ptr to structure */
 5 dcl  backup_info_version_2 fixed bin static init (2) options (constant); /* version number */
 7 dcl 1 backup_info based (infop) aligned,
 8     2 header like backup_volume_header aligned,
 9     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* version number */
10     2 rpv_pvid bit (36),                                    /* pvid of rpv */
11     2 rpv_lvid bit (36),                                    /* lvid of rpv */
12     2 rpv_disk_type fixed bin,                              /* disk model index of rpv */
13     2 dump_volid bit (36),                                  /* dump volume id */
14     2 pad bit (36),
15     2 dump_type fixed bin,                                  /* type of dump */
16     2 dump_volname char (32),                               /* volname of dump volume */
17     2 system_id char (32),                                  /* system identifier */
18     2 control_file char (168),                              /* path name of dump control file */
19     2 operator char (32);                                   /* operator who started dump */
21 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... backup_info.incl.pl1 */