1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE audit_position.incl.pl1 */
 5 /*
 6    12/08/78 Written by Lindsey L. Spratt
 7 */
 9 /* format: style2 */
10      dcl     1 position_template,
11                2 aep                ptr,                    /* points to an entry. Base of audit_entry struc. */
12                2 char_index         fixed bin (24),         /* Offset in bytes in audit_file of aep. */
13                2 entry_number       fixed bin (35),         /* Count of entry from beginning of file. */
14                2 search_tag         char (32) varying,      /* Search tag in effect when this entry found. */
15                2 component_ptr      ptr,                    /* Points to component of audit_file containing entry. */
16                2 component_number   fixed bin,              /* NUmber of component containing entry. */
17                2 component_max_char_index
18                                     fixed bin (24);         /* Max allowed byte offset in current component. */
21      dcl     1 position_info_template,
22                2 max_component      fixed bin (17),         /* Max allowed component number of audit_file. */
23                2 max_index          fixed bin (24),         /*  Max possible byte offset in max component. */
24                2 current_component  fixed bin (17),         /* Component currently in use by audit_. */
25                2 audit_fcb          ptr,                    /* File control block pointer for audit_file. */
26                2 audit_ptr          ptr,                    /* Points to audit_file component currently in use by audit. */
27                2 audit_index        fixed bin (24),         /* Byte offset in current component of next entry by audit_. */
28                2 last_entry_length  fixed bin (24),         /* Length of last entry made by audit_. */
29                2 begin_index        fixed bin (24),         /* Byte offset in begin component of begining of file. */
30                2 begin_component    fixed bin (17),         /* Component containing beginning of  file. */
31                2 dirname            char (168),             /* Directory name of audit file. */
32                2 ename              char (32),              /* Entry name of audit file. */
33                2 file_limit         bit (1),                /* Indicates the audit_file is of limited size. */
34                2 default_search_tag char (32) varying,      /* Is the search_tag to use in looking at entries. */
35                2 any_tag            bit (1);                /* Says to ignore the tags of the entries. */
38 /* END INCLUDE FILE audit_position.incl.pl1 */