1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE audit_block.incl.pl1 */
 3 /*
 4    12/08/78  Written by Lindsey L. Spratt
 5    Modified:
 6    11/26/79  by  Lindsey L. Spratt to add editor prompting info,
 7    use_editor_prompt,
 8    editor_prompt_string, and
 9    editor_prompt_terminator.
10    03/20/81  by  Lindsey L. Spratt to remove editor_prompt_terminator.
11 */
14 /* format: style2 */
15      dcl     1 blk                  based (blkptr) aligned,
16                2 auditing_iocb      ptr,                    /* Points to iocb of dummy switch. */
17                2 attach             char (128) var,         /* For the attach description. */
18                2 suspend            bit (1),                /* Indicates suspension of auditing. */
19                2 current_flags,                             /* These switches indicate the modes for audit_. */
20                  3 read_audit       bit (1) unaligned,      /* Set by audit_input. */
21                  3 file_limit       bit (1) unaligned,      /* Set by audit_file_size=n. */
22                  3 write_audit      bit (1) unaligned,      /* Set by write_audit. */
23                  3 edit             bit (1) unaligned,      /* Set by audit_edit. */
24                  3 trace            bit (1) unaligned,      /* Set by audit_trace. */
25                  3 meter            bit (1) unaligned,      /* Set by audit_meter. */
26                  3 use_editor_prompt
27                                     bit (1) unaligned,      /* Indicates whether to prompt in the audit editor. */
28                  3 unused           bit (29) unaligned,
29                2 saved_flags        like blk.current_flags, /* Copy of old current_flags, prior to suspension. */
30                2 dirname            char (168) unal,        /* Directory of audit_file. */
31                2 ename              char (32) unal,         /* Entryname of audit_file. */
32                2 paging             fixed bin (35),         /* Total page faults in process since attachment. */
33                2 pad                bit (36),
34                2 virtual_time       fixed bin (71),         /* Total virtual cpu time since attachment. */
35                2 audit_fcb          ptr,                    /* File control block pointer for the audit_file. */
36                2 audit_ptr          ptr,                    /* Points to current segment in audit_file. */
37                2 begin_ptr          ptr,
38                2 audit_file_header_ptr
39                                     ptr,                    /* Points to audit_file_header (in audit_file) */
40                2 trigger            char (1),               /* Character used to indicate an audit_ request. */
41                2 editor_prompt_string
42                                     char (32) varying,      /* This an ioa_ control string taking
43                                                                two arguments, 1) bit(1) indicating level > 1;
44                                                                2) level.
45                                                             */
46                2 default_iocb       ptr,                    /* Points to the iocb to be used for input and output. */
47                2 temp_seg_ptr       ptr,                    /* Points to the temp seg used as a buffer for input. */
48                2 work_space         ptr,                    /* Points to the beginning of buffer for get_line. */
49                2 work_space_len     fixed bin (24);         /* Length of string in work_space buffer. */
52 /* END INCLUDE FILE audit_block.incl.pl1   */