1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE attribute_names.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* Written October 1979 by T. Casey to centralize several separate lists of the attribute names. */
 5 /* NOTE: these names must be in the same order as the corresponding bits in the attributes word,
 6    as defined in attributes.incl.pl1 */
 8 dcl  attribute_names (0:24) char (20) int static options (constant) init
 9     ("none",                                                /* 0 */
10      "administrator",                                       /* 1 */
11      "primary_line",                                        /* 2 */
12      "nobump",                                              /* 3 */
13      "guaranteed_login",                                    /* 4 */
14      "anonymous",                                           /* 5 */
15      "nopreempt",                                           /* 6 */
16      "nolist",                                              /* 7 */
17      "dialok",                                              /* 8 */
18      "multip",                                              /* 9 */
19      "bumping",                                             /* 10 */
20      "brief",                                               /* 11 */
21      "vinitproc",                                           /* 12 */
22      "vhomedir",                                            /* 13 */
23      "nostartup",                                           /* 14 */
24      "no_secondary",                                        /* 15 */
25      "no_prime",                                            /* 16 */
26      "no_eo",                                               /* 17 */
27      "daemon",                                              /* 18 */
28      "",                                                    /* 19 vdim OBSOLETE */
29      "no_warning",                                          /* 20 */
30      "igroup",                                              /* 21 */
31      "save_pdir",                                           /* 22 */
32      "disconnect_ok",                                       /* 23 */
33      "save_on_disconnect");                                 /* 24 */
35 dcl  alt_attribute_names (0:24) char (20) int static options (constant) init
36     ("null",                                                /* 0 */
37      "admin",                                               /* 1 */
38      "", "",                                                /* 2 - 3 */
39      "guar",                                                /* 4 */
40      "anon",                                                /* 5 */
41      "", "",                                                /* 6 - 7 */
42      "dial",                                                /* 8 */
43      "multi_login",                                         /* 9 */
44      "preempting",                                          /* 10 */
45      "",                                                    /* 11 */
46      "v_process_overseer",                                  /* 12 */
47      "v_home_dir",                                          /* 13 */
48      "no_start_up",                                         /* 14 */
49      "no_sec",                                              /* 15 */
50      "no_primary",                                          /* 16 */
51      "no_edit_only",                                        /* 17 */
52      "op_login",                                            /* 18 */
53      "",                                                    /* 19 */
54      "nowarn",                                              /* 20 */
55      "", "", "",                                            /* 21 - 23 */
56      "save");                                               /* 24 */
58 /* END INCLUDE FILE attribute_names.incl.pl1 */