1 /* Begin include file ..... attach_mpc_data.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* Defines the arguments to the attach_mpc_ subroutine */
 4 /* Prepared January 1980 by Larry Johnson */
 6 dcl  attach_mpc_datap ptr;
 7 dcl  attach_mpc_data_version_1 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (1);
 9 dcl 1 attach_mpc_data aligned based (attach_mpc_datap),
10     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* Version of this structure (I) */
11     2 mpc_name char (32),                                   /* Name of mpc to attach (I/O) */
12     2 caller_name char (32),                                /* Name of caller, for error mesages (I) */
13     2 flags unal,
14       3 channel_required bit (1),                           /* Caller has specified IOM and channel (I) */
15       3 bootload_channel bit (1),                           /* Caller wants bootload channel (I) */
16       3 report bit (1),                                     /* Allow com_err_ cals (I) */
17       3 mbz bit (33),                                       /* (I) */
18     2 iom fixed bin (3),                                    /* Which IOM to use (I/O) */
19     2 channel fixed bin (6),                                /* Which channel to use (I/O) */
20     2 ioi_index fixed bin,                                  /* Index for caller to talk to ioi  (O) */
21     2 rcp_id bit (36),                                      /* ID for calling RCP (O) */
22     2 ioi_channel fixed bin (71),                           /* Event channel for ioi wakeups (O) */
23     2 max_time_limit fixed bin (71),                        /* Longest time to wait for I/O to complete (O) */
24     2 max_workspace_size fixed bin (19),                    /* Largest workspace to use (O) */
25     2 type char (4),                                        /* MPC type, urp, msp, or mtp (O) */
26     2 model fixed bin,                                      /* MPC model number (O) */
27     2 mpc_cardp ptr,                                        /* Pointer to mpc card of mpc attached (O) */
28     2 prph_cardp ptr,                                       /* Pointer to prph card of device attached (O) */
29     2 status_tablep ptr,                                    /* Address of status table for decoding errors (O) */
30     2 device_name char (32);                                /* Name of device actually attached (O) */
32 /* End include file ..... attach_mpc_data.incl.pl1 */