1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... as_requests.incl.pl1 */
  3    This include file is the repository of as_request_ structures which are
  4    not so complicated or arcane as to require their own include file.
  5    It requires as_request_header.incl.pl1
  6 */
  8 /* HISTORY:
  9    Written by someone, at sometime.
 10    Modified:
 11    09/10/84 by R. Michael Tague:  Add the structure asr_bump_user_info
 12    and asr_reply_bump_user.
 13    01/23/85 by E. Swenson:  Add the asr_note_pnt_change_info structure.
 14 */
 16 /* format: style4 */
 18      /*** return status from an as_request_ call. ***/
 20 dcl  asr_replyp ptr;
 21 dcl  1 asr_reply aligned based (asr_replyp),                /* IPC status return for a.s. request */
 22        2 code fixed bin (35),                               /* standard error code */
 23        2 data bit (36);                                     /* other data */
 25      /*** request to monitor process destructions, and the destruction notification ***/
 27 dcl  asr_buzzard_info_version_1 char (8) init ("buzzard1") int static options (constant);
 28 dcl  asr_buzzard_infop ptr;
 29 dcl  1 asr_buzzard_info aligned based (asr_buzzard_infop),  /* for watching dying processes */
 30        2 header aligned like as_request_header,
 31        2 version char (8),
 32        2 info_channel fixed bin (71),                       /* IPC channel to send processid wakeup messges */
 33        2 my_reference_id bit (36);                          /* becomes top 36 bits of death notice */
 35 dcl  1 asr_buzzard_notification aligned based (asr_replyp), /* message on process destruction */
 36        2 your_reference_id bit (36),                        /* from asr_buzzard_info.my_reference_id */
 37        2 process_id bit (36);                               /* process id of dead process */
 38 ^L
 39 /* ***********************************************************************
 40    * asr_bump_user_info  -  Message segment info structure for the       *
 41    *                        ASR_BUMP_USER requests.                      *
 42    *      process-id  -  process_id of process to be bumped.             *
 43    *      message     -  message to be splat across user terminal when   *
 44    *                     the bump is begun, i.e., the grace time starts. *
 45    *                     No message is sent if message = "".             *
 46    *      grace_time_in_seconds                                          *
 47    *                  -  Amount of time given to the user before the     *
 48    *                     user's process is actually terminated.          *
 49    *      reply_reference_id                                             *
 50    *                  -  Reference id that will be returned in the       *
 51    *                     as_reply_bump_user structure.  A reply channel  *
 52    *                     must be specified in reply_channel in the       *
 53    *                     header of this structure.  The reply message    *
 54    *                     will have the sturcture of asr_reply_bump_user. *
 55    *********************************************************************** */
 57 dcl  asr_bump_user_info_version_1 char (8) init ("asrbump1") int static options (constant);
 59 dcl  asr_bump_user_info_ptr ptr;
 60 dcl  1 asr_bump_user_info aligned based (asr_bump_user_info_ptr),
 61        2 header aligned like as_request_header,
 62        2 version char (8),
 63        2 process_id bit (36),
 64        2 message char (100) unaligned,
 65        2 grace_time_in_seconds fixed bin,
 66        2 reply_reference_id bit (36);
 67 ^L
 68 /* ***********************************************************************
 69    * asr_reply_bump_user  -  Structure sent with the IPC reply upon      *
 70    *                         initiating the bump.  Note:  the actual     *
 71    *                         bump does not take place until after the    *
 72    *                         given of default grace time.                *
 73    *      code    -  Standard system status code.                        *
 74    *      reference_id                                                   *
 75    *              -  Reference id supplied in asr_bump_user_info when    *
 76    *                 bump user request was made.                         *
 77    *********************************************************************** */
 79 dcl  1 asr_reply_bump_user aligned based (asr_replyp),
 80        2 code fixed bin (35),
 81        2 reference_id bit (36);
 82 ^L
 84 dcl  asr_admin_command_info_ptr pointer;
 85 dcl  1 asr_admin_command_info aligned based (asr_admin_command_info_ptr),
 86        2 header aligned like as_request_header,
 87        2 version char (8),
 88        2 flags aligned,
 89          3 send_start_wakeup bit (1) unaligned,             /* over reply channel */
 90          3 send_completion_wakeup bit (1) unaligned,        /* over reply channel */
 91          3 send_completion_message bit (1) unaligned,
 92          3 send_completion_mail bit (1) unaligned,
 93          3 dialog bit (1) unaligned,                        /* NOT YET IMPLEMENTED */
 94          3 pad bit (31) unaligned,
 95        2 dialog_info aligned,                               /* NOT YET IMPLEMENTED */
 96          3 event_channel fixed bin (71),                    /* NOTIFY ME ON READ/RIGHT */
 97          3 output_message_segment_pathname char (200) unaligned, /* Writes go here */
 98          3 input_message_segment_pathname char (200) unaligned, /* Reads come here */
 99        2 mail_destination char (200) unaligned,
100        2 command_length fixed bin (21),
101        2 command char (asr_ac_length refer (asr_admin_command_info.command_length)) unaligned;
103 /* See admin_dialog_info.incl.pl1 for related structures */
105 dcl  asr_ac_length fixed bin (21);
106 dcl  ASR_AC_VERSION_1 char (8) init ("asrac001") int static options (constant);
108 dcl  1 asr_reply_admin_command aligned based (asr_replyp),
109        2 code fixed bin (35),
110        2 flags aligned,
111          3 command_refused bit (1) unaligned,
112          3 command_started bit (1) unaligned,
113          3 command_completed bit (1) unaligned,             /* with or without errors */
114          3 command_aborted bit (1) unaligned,
115          3 command_had_errors bit (1) unaligned,            /* at least one error */
116          3 pad bit (31) unaligned;
118 /**** The following structure is used by the Ring-1 PNT software to
119       notify the answering service of a PNT change which might affect
120       logged in processes. */
122 dcl  asr_note_pnt_change_info_ptr ptr;
124 dcl  1 asr_note_pnt_change_info structure aligned based (asr_note_pnt_change_info_ptr),
125        2 header aligned like as_request_header,
126        2 version char (8),
127        2 person_id char (32);
129 dcl  ASR_NPC_INFO_VERSION_1 char (8) initial ("asrnpc01") internal static options (constant);
131 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... as_requests.incl.pl1 */