1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE area_info.incl.pl1  12/75 */
 3 dcl  area_info_version_1 fixed bin static init (1) options (constant);
 5 dcl  area_infop ptr;
 7 dcl 1 area_info aligned based (area_infop),
 8     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* version number for this structure is 1 */
 9     2 control aligned like area_control,                    /* control bits for the area */
10     2 owner char (32) unal,                                 /* creator of the area */
11     2 n_components fixed bin,                               /* number of components in the area (returned only) */
12     2 size fixed bin (18),                                  /* size of the area in words */
13     2 version_of_area fixed bin,                            /* version of area (returned only) */
14     2 areap ptr,                                            /* pointer to the area (first component on multisegment area) */
15     2 allocated_blocks fixed bin,                           /* number of blocks allocated */
16     2 free_blocks fixed bin,                                /* number of free blocks not in virgin */
17     2 allocated_words fixed bin (30),                       /* number of words allocated in the area */
18     2 free_words fixed bin (30);                            /* number of words free in area not in virgin */
20 dcl 1 area_control aligned based,
21     2 extend bit (1) unal,                                  /* says area is extensible */
22     2 zero_on_alloc bit (1) unal,                           /* says block gets zerod at allocation time */
23     2 zero_on_free bit (1) unal,                            /* says block gets zerod at free time */
24     2 dont_free bit (1) unal,                     /* debugging aid, turns off free requests */
25     2 no_freeing bit (1) unal,                              /* for allocation method without freeing */
26     2 system bit (1) unal,                                  /* says area is managed by system */
27     2 pad bit (30) unal;
29 /* END INCLUDE FILE area_info.incl.pl1 */