1 /* ====== BEGIN INCLUDE SEGMENT         apl_lexed_function_bead.incl.pl1 ========================== */
 3 /* this is the format of a user-defined function after it has been run
 4    through apl_lex_, the first (left to right) parsing phase. */
 6 dcl 1 lexed_function_bead based aligned,
 7     2 header like general_bead,                             /* type bits, etc. */
 9     2 name pointer unaligned,                               /* -> symbol bead which names the function */
10     2 bits_for_parse unaligned like operator_bead.bits_for_parse,     /* so can treat like system function */
11     2 number_of_statements fixed bin,
12     2 number_of_localized_symbols fixed bin,                /* including labels and parameter variables, return var */
13                                                             /* even if they aren't there, thus >^H_ 3 */
14     2 number_of_labels fixed bin,
15     2 label_values_ptr pointer unaligned,                             /* -> label_values below */
16     2 statement_map_ptr pointer unaligned,                            /* -> statement_map below */
17     2 lexeme_array_ptr pointer unaligned,                             /* -> lexeme_array below */
19           /* the first 3 localized symbols are always reserved for ReturnSymbol, LeftArgSymbol, RighArgSymbol respectively.
20              If some of these symbols are not present (e.g. monadic or value-less function), null pointers are used.
21              So beware!, there can be null ptrs in the localized_symbols array. */
23     2 localized_symbols(  (0) refer (lexed_function_bead.number_of_localized_symbols)) pointer unaligned,
24                                                             /* first localized vars from header line, then labels */
25     2 label_values ( (0) refer (lexed_function_bead.number_of_labels)) pointer unaligned,
26                                                             /* ptrs to label-value beads for labels */
27     2 statement_map ( (0) refer (lexed_function_bead.number_of_statements)) fixed bin(18),
28                                                             /* index in lexeme_array of rightmost lexeme of each stmt */
29     2 lexeme_array ( (0) refer (lexed_function_bead.number_of_labels) /* not really, but fake out compiler */ ) pointer unaligned;
30                               /* the actual lexemes.  Length of array is
31                                                                       statement_map(number_of_statements)   */
34 /* manifest constants for first 3 localized symbols */
36 dcl (ReturnSymbol   init(1),
37      LeftArgSymbol  init(2),
38      RightArgSymbol init(3)
39     ) fixed binary static;
42           /* the last three parts of this bead are referenced separately, though ptrs earlier in the bead.
43              Here are declarations for them as level-1 structures */
45 dcl 1 lexed_function_label_values_structure based aligned,
46      2 lexed_function_label_values ( 500 /* or so */ ) pointer unaligned,
48     statement_count fixed bin,
49     lexed_function_statement_map (statement_count) fixed bin(18) aligned based,
51     1 lexed_function_lexemes_structure based aligned,
52      2 lexed_function_lexeme_array ( 500 /* or so */ ) pointer unaligned;
54 /* ------ END INCLUDE SEGMENT           apl_lexed_function_bead.incl.pl1 -------------------------- */